Sunday, Sep 04, 2016 at 10:48
Traffic policing is all about "modelling" and "numbers" and "graphs". It's what you get when you have university-educated Commissioners who fail to understand basic policing - getting the police out on the roads, and highly visible on a regular basis.
There will be a rash of road deaths in W.A. - and the police will respond with a campaign of a rush of cars on the road.
Then it will all just die off, as the Commish decides these police are just wasting their time tooling around the country in expensive vehicles, and they're needed in more important areas, such as crime control.
There has been a massive surge in robberies, assaults, and general crime in W.A. largely due to meths.
The crime rate jumped over 14% in the last 12 mths and the Commish is desperate to "make the figures look good" - so he reckons speed cameras will find the hoons and road rule flouters, and the police in cars are needed to catch the crims doing robberies and assaults.
There has been a doubling of the country road toll in the last year, and the cops are utterly bamboozled as to what to do about it.
Most of the deaths were simply people running off the road into trees after a night at the boozer - or driving long hours into the early morning, and going to sleep at the wheel.
In somewhere around half the country road deaths, the victims weren't wearing seatbelts. As the Americans say, "you cain't fix stoopid".
However, in the old days, the cops would loiter near the pubs at closing time and roar after anyone seen wobbling up to their car.
Now, the defence lawyers call it "entrapment", so it's not carried out.
Nothing like the sight of a police car to make people sit up straight and behave.
Cheers, Ron.