Article Comment: High Country - Woods Point to Porepunkah

We received a letter today from Woods Point Police advising that they and the DEWLP officers are particularly concerned about fire safety in the nearby mountains and bush during this summer season and that fines apply for ignoring fire restrictions. I have attached the letter outlining the concerns and the penalties imposed.They also advise that the tracks around Woods Point and District have not had a lot of work on them this year so far and you will come across trees, the odd landslide etc so be prepared.Furthermore, they advise that there is a lot of heavy vehicle movement between teh A1 Mine and Mansfield. the Mansfield Woods Point Road can be very narrow with soft edges through from Gaffney’s Creek to the A1 Mine track, as well as between Gaffney’s Creek and Knockwood. There is also danger through Kevington and 10 Mile’s narrow section of the road. These Truck Drivers are using channel 40 UHF to warn motorists of their presence. I advise all users of UHF to tune to that channel at all times when traveling on the Mansfield Woods Point Road.
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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