Diy days fading fast with vehicle repairs?

Submitted: Saturday, May 06, 2017 at 20:45
ThreadID: 134805 Views:3742 Replies:5 FollowUps:3
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The wifes Toyo Aurion decided to chuck a wobbly and not start the other day, when lifting the bonnet and having a peek as to what might be wrong I drifted into a world of pipes, wires,plugs here plugs there, in five minutes i'm thinkin FORGET IT OL SON!!,and this vehicle is only nine years old!!!......The modern stuff has to be totally out of reach for the average Diyser! Jeez I just realized how much I like the old deefer! a point!...LOL.

Cheers Axle.
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Reply By: The Explorer - Saturday, May 06, 2017 at 22:36

Saturday, May 06, 2017 at 22:36
Thought you had already retired from looking at that car.....

Well i never ...

LOL lol LoL

I sent one final shout after him to stick to the track, to which he replied “All right,” That was the last ever seen of Gibson - E Giles 23 April 1874

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AnswerID: 610865

Reply By: splits - Saturday, May 06, 2017 at 22:57

Saturday, May 06, 2017 at 22:57
This reminds me of the time when I was a third year apprentice mechanic at a Sydney Holden dealer in 1963 and the new EH Holdens arrived. I looked under the bonnet and saw two wires going to the ignition coil instead of the usual one. I thought geez this looks complicated but a quick look in the workshop manual soon sorted it all out.

Nothing has changed today. If you buy the manufacturer's workshop manual ( not a non genuine one from an auto accessory shop) and study it carefully, you will soon work it all out.

All the wiring circuits and testing electrical sensors etc are no more complicated than it was decades ago. The only difference is there is a lot more of everything.
AnswerID: 610866

Reply By: Rangiephil - Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 08:46

Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 08:46
For electrical problems with modern cars it is a good idea to buy an OBD reader and teach yourself how to read the codes.

This will give you an idea of where the problem lies.

They are not foolproof and don't really pick up Mechanical problems , which are pretty rare these days.
The main problems on modern cars seems to on the mechanical/electrical/electronic interface, ie the sensors go out of range. Many problems can be fixed by just removing and replacing the sensor plug involved a few times.
An old battery is probably the major cause of no start as modern injection systems require robust voltage.
AnswerID: 610871

Follow Up By: AlanTH - Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 09:24

Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 09:24
That's the main reason I make sure everything requiring power is turned off before starting especially in colder weather. Radio, fans, aircon, lights, turn off the lot then turn the key.
FollowupID: 880862

Follow Up By: RMD - Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 11:48

Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 11:48
Most, if not all vehicles these days auto turn off the accessories and lights so it CAN start with full battery power applied to the starter. No need to turn it off your self, you are just wearing out the swiches and wasting time.
FollowupID: 880865

Reply By: swampy - Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 09:35

Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 09:35
If u ask a modern mechanic or auto electrician and they need to plug in the diagnosis machine first and put great emphasis on it run fast in the opposite direction .
Same as the service manager says it takes 2 days to voltage check all your computer pins run run real fast . All the info went to Ford and they did not pick it . It needed an upgraded gear reduction starter [killed 2 batteries in 20,000km]

What I`m trying to say is unless the modern technician is told he has no clue.
Catergory of DUMB ASS

Most people with common sense can still work it out ,have faith .
AnswerID: 610873

Follow Up By: RMD - Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 11:54

Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 11:54
Some ARE technicians, most are not, despite having the ability to recognize a test instrument at 5 paces.
How to use it is another thing.
The Dumb Ass, I take it, refers to a Donkey. In Oz it is spelt differently. Not so many ss's and more R's,e
FollowupID: 880866

Reply By: RMD - Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 11:57

Sunday, May 07, 2017 at 11:57
Axle, cranking or no cranking. If it was running before hand and now no start it is most likely the battery or terminals. No need to look into the plugs and wires, check the simple things first. Voltmeter?
It seems you went to the technical aspect instead.
AnswerID: 610875

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