Thursday, Feb 01, 2018 at 10:20
Don't know about the other posters, but my expression was "a SMALL spark is unlikely", which is what we do in the electrical industry....... arrange the equipment to keep any spark below a certain size. (It's called Intrinsic Safety)
As for spinifex ignition, I did NOT say that striking a
rock would NOT cause ignition, only said it "more LIKELY occurs" from "being heated by a hot body or friction".
If you get a buildup of spinifex against the exhaust, there is a good chance it will ignite. But the likelihood of throwing up a
rock of appropriate composition with the right velocity and it striking the vehicle at just the right location where spinifex has lodged and producing a spark of sufficient magnitude to ignite the spinifex.......
well, I think I have a better chance of winning CrossLotto twice in a row!
Dunno about ploughing, never did any. lol..... But perhaps a plough scraping across a sizeable
rock might produce a series of sparks sufficient to ignite dry grass?