Saturday, Apr 28, 2018 at 13:04
Hmmm, I also have a shadecloth screen, and the hook on a stick, and a 5 litre "Aqua" pressurised sprayer, 2 x 1 Kg fire extinguisers. Hoping not to use warm beer !!! We did the
Canning Stock Route last May (2017) and spinifex was above bonnet height and we were mowing it down like a slasher, I was pleased I had taken these precautions. We did NOT have any fire issues and all our stops were made in open clearings and checks made. The carnage of fire was amazing on the Canning, everything melted, glass, alloy wheels, seats, fridge and contents, we even saw 2 spent fire extinguishers. How one extricates himself from that I don't know, not as if you can hitch hike out.
Cuppa, glad you can do some mowing down in front to clear the way for us.
I have watched quite a few U-tube videos on Skull Springs Road and so after
Newman and Karajini, we will do that trip up on Skull Springs Road to
Carawine Gorge and
Marble Bar. You could possibly go straight ahead from
Gary Junction, cross the CSR near
Well 33 and Kunawaritji and continue west towards
Marble Bar then turn onto Skull Springs Road and down to
diesel at Kunawaritji was $3.40 last May, I carried jerries and went Willuna to
Halls Creek non-stop without refuelling, 2050 kilometres.