Thursday, Jun 28, 2018 at 23:59
I don't think there's a media outlet of any type that doesn't have a bias, or a barrow to push.
We know the ABC is full of lefties, that doesn't make them any lesser people, or less capable of producing satisfactory articles/documentaries/news programmes.
I think most of us who have been around for a while, can see any bias by reading between the lines, in most articles or shows.
I for one, thank the good Lord we still have an advert-free national broadcaster, even if it does occasionally produce some extreme leftist drivel.
I rarely watch commercial TV now, because the constant and rubbishy stream of ads, would drive one to drink.
In a popular commercial programme, the ads seems to be non-stop. I reckon they must frequently disobey broadcasting limits.
I for one, don't want anyone commercialising or dismantling "Auntie" - as the media barons and corporate CEO's would dearly love to do.
We've already had the Commonwealth Bank sold to the highest bidders - an event that was nothing short of a national disgrace - and an event still being celebrated with clinking champagne glasses in the corridors of the Big 4 Banks boardrooms.
King O'Malley must be spinning in his grave. Not to mention what the Australian Govt has since lost in income from the Commonwealth Bank.
It will be a sad day for Australia if some scumbag PM gets together with a bunch of corporate mates, and they work out a plan to get rid of "Aunty".
Thanks, Min, for the link to that
well-put-together article - and thanks to the ABC people who put the effort in, to provide it.
Cheers, Ron.
Follow Up By: Michael H9 - Friday, Jun 29, 2018 at 00:30
Friday, Jun 29, 2018 at 00:30
I thought this government did a bit of a purge when they got in and stacked the abc management with their cronies. People are still whining though. Commercial tv is going down the
toilet, and Foxtel is following on because it has too many ads as
well. The streaming
services will end up with all the market and piracy will keep their prices down. A lot of us download abc pod casts and play them on long trips, it's excellent entertainment because you can choose the topic to suit your mood and you don't have to have good reception.
Follow Up By: Bazooka - Sunday, Jul 01, 2018 at 23:28
Sunday, Jul 01, 2018 at 23:28
"We" know nothing of the sort Ron but "we'd" be interested in your evidence. Having read previous debates on the topic in other forums you might (will) be surprised if you google ABC bias and related terms and bother reading the myriad infromation and analyses which google finds. You also might want to familiarise yourself with ABC Board members and their backgrounds sometime.