Road conditions and travel times around Innamincka area

Planning a trip to Corner Country NSW Tibooburra to Cameron Corner to Innamincka - campsites i.e. Policemans Waterhole etc. Just wondering how the roads are looking this time of year heading up in Sept. The google map travel times are crazy i.e. Tibooburra to Cameron Corner 6 hours for 130 kms - I understand the road gets chopped up but that seems crazy. Thanks
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Reply By: Les - PK Ranger - Wednesday, Aug 01, 2018 at 06:00

Wednesday, Aug 01, 2018 at 06:00
Google maps basically allows for 60km/hr )or less) if it has no data on a road, such as more remote areas.
That stretch should be around 1.5hrs if the road is ok, maybe 2 hrs if slower, it's usually very good.

Roads ?
Always vary from time to time, very reasonable normally, of course "as long as it doesn't rain !!"

The area (SA at least) should be very nice now, they've had some good rains around Innamincka 3 - 6 months ago, at this time of year I would be surprised if the area doesn't have some wildflowers out and look reasonably good as far as a fresh look.

AnswerID: 620439

Follow Up By: rumpig - Wednesday, Aug 01, 2018 at 06:28

Wednesday, Aug 01, 2018 at 06:28
Hopefully it’s not like the Merty Merty stretch was a few weeks back....was down to walking pace just about on one stretch of corrugations there, not to mention the big holes in the road you needed to be sure not to drive into. The BRB crowd had certainly given that road a hiding it appeared, but you’d have to think it would be repaired by then. We headed from Cameron Corner to Noccundra, the road was great in that direction, no idea what it was like heading from Cameron Corner to Tibooburra though.
FollowupID: 892863

Follow Up By: Ozhumvee - Wednesday, Aug 01, 2018 at 07:37

Wednesday, Aug 01, 2018 at 07:37
CC to Tibooburra wasn't too bad a couple of months ago, CC to Merti Merti was the worst I've ever seen it, those lovely smooth dune crossings were chopped up with massive bulldust holes and the swales were so corrugated it was 20-30kph as has been said. The old Strez was supposedly the best route to Innamincka and it was also very corrugated but nowhere as bad as the Strez apparently. There has been rain in the Innamincka area in the last month and some tracks have only been recently reopened so the roads might have been graded but not in the NP as they never do.
FollowupID: 892865

Reply By: LIFE MEMBER-snailbait - Thursday, Aug 02, 2018 at 08:57

Thursday, Aug 02, 2018 at 08:57
There has been a lot of rain out there the Inside track to Birdsville is flooded the SA national parks advise that the some of the crossing are closed because of flooding some of the PAR are open but it changes every day
Life MEMBER snailbait Oberon HF RADIO CLUB VKE237 mobile 7661

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AnswerID: 620455

Reply By: KevinE - Friday, Aug 03, 2018 at 12:12

Friday, Aug 03, 2018 at 12:12
Hi, I just had a look at my photos; we were filing up with diesel at TJ's in Tibooburra at 10.06am & my wife was opening the gate in the dog fence at Cameron Corner at 12.19pm. We didn't rush & actually stopped along the way. We did it in dry weather, towing a camper trailer with a dual cab.

Enjoy your trip! :)
AnswerID: 620471

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