Gas or fuel stoves

Submitted: Monday, Jul 01, 2002 at 00:00
ThreadID: 1387 Views:2045 Replies:4 FollowUps:0
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What are peoples thoughts on fuel stoves (unleaded/spirit). I need to change my gas stove and am thinking that as I will need unleaded fuel for my Christie's generator that maybe the best alternative is to change to a fuel stove. I've no experience or second hand knowledge of these units. Can anyone tell me what the advantages and disadvantages are. I know they are more expensive but that's about it. Should I stick with Gas.

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Reply By: Will - Monday, Jul 01, 2002 at 00:00

Monday, Jul 01, 2002 at 00:00
I own and use both, although the gas one is now becoming less and less popular.
I find that if you are travelling in cold weather, the gas ones just don't work.
Also not everybody refills gas bottles and they are expensive to refill compared to the fuel on the unleaded stove.
Make sure (if you get one) to run shellite on it every now and then to keep it clean.
AnswerID: 4546

Reply By: DAve - Monday, Jul 01, 2002 at 00:00

Monday, Jul 01, 2002 at 00:00
dual fuel is definatley the way to go, I use it for lights and stoves, cheap, very efficient, and NOT difficult to use, (though there is a knack to it.) AND no gas bottles taking up valuable real estate.

Runing on shellite more often than not is a good idea to preserve the generator (hotter and brighter anyway),
AnswerID: 4548

Reply By: Alpaca - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2002 at 00:00

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2002 at 00:00
Ray, I changed to duel fuel a couple of years ago ang although it took a few times to get the knack right, I haven't looked back. I bought a coleman two burner stove although the second burner is only good to keep things warm. It made an "ideal" gift for my lad who is now venturing out into the bush. I brought two single burner units cos they take less room up, need less area to cook (if you only need one burner) but you need a wind brake. 3 pieces of 300mm square aluminium joined with piano hinge does the job well. Give the idea some thought. It works well for me.cya.
AnswerID: 4562

Reply By: Ray - Tuesday, Jul 02, 2002 at 00:00

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2002 at 00:00
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies, looks like I can't go wrong. I'll have a look at the range available at a mates camping store next week.


AnswerID: 4564

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