Saturday, Mar 07, 2020 at 06:31
Personally, I would not do that. Poly bushes are longer lasting and better for road handling because they are firm. However, their stiffness transfers all the load to the shockers and springs. The shockers are more likely to heat up and fade and the whole failure cycle is more likely.
Get expert advice, but for example, using poly bushes is definitely not recommended in Tvan
suspension by Track for this reason. The rubber flexibility is part of the load handling.
I haven't been on the CSR, but the ABH, east of Emu is like nothing you will have experienced. It puts everything to
test. The
suspension, the tyres, the quality of aftermarket fittings, any mods, the people and even the paintwork LOL. For hundreds of slow, long kms. You will need all the help you can get to get through the ordeal.
Also buy a thermal IR thermometer and point that at the
suspension every few hours. Slow or stop when the
suspension gets hot.
I got something like this.
It will have lots of uses right now. You can
check your friends when they come over. LOL
Apart from that, it is a quick way to
check your
suspension, tyres, wheel temps and camper.
Hmm, I might get
mine out of the toolbox....