Get our March newsletter - and exciting news about our new free app

Submitted: Saturday, Mar 07, 2020 at 19:52
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For those that haven't subscribed to our newsletters, here is our March newsletter.
March 2020 General Newsletter
As you'll read, we've just released a new app and its a free download. (We actually released it over a week ago but have been testing. For any Members that have already started using it, please note that on Friday 6th March (yesterday) we released an update, so make sure you're now on V1.1.4). *I had forgotten to include info about the Settings in the User Manual and we made a few tweaks to the code.

This means we now have 2 apps in the stores - TRACKER (which is for "tracking"), and TRAVELLER (which is for Travellers - ie. mapping, navigation, planning).

The TRAVELLER app remains unchanged (latest version v3.11.3) and has always had the option to enable the Tracker if desired....

BUT.... the new TRACKER app is for people that JUST want the live server tracking component - so this app doesn't use maps, and doesn't provide any navigation. The app is free, but to enable tracking you do need to be a Member. But the app does let your family/friends follow you for free - so the idea is tell them to get this app.

As you'll read in the documentation, TRACKER will allow you to VIEW the following:

1) all the tracking devices you have registered to your Member account - your devices plus perhaps those used by your loved one (we give tips/suggestions for possible uses such as downloading the app onto devices used by your partner or dependents/children for peace of mind, safety, movement monitoring). When it's installed you open the app on their device - log in with your Member account and go into Settings and then lock the Settings. They can't change the Settings without your Member account password. Obviously a very high level of trust is required to have such access to a person's device and for you to use your Member account to configure the app settings, so it's likely this feature is only going to be used by partners/children.

2) plus any "EXTRA DEVICES" that you've added to your account via the Settings. These extra devices are one's that are not using your Member account - but you can only add them if the device owner has given you their Device ID - and they will need to be a Member as only Members can enable the tracking of their device. We have built a SHARE button into the home screen for your device id to be easily sent to anyone you know the contact details of. If the Member presses this SHARE button - they can then select a share method (eg. email, SMS message, Messenger, etc) and our app will automatically construct a message that you simply send to your contacts via those share methods - they then receive the message and if they have already downloaded the free Tracker App - as soon as they click on the link - it will automatically add your tracking Device ID into their app as an EXTRA DEVICE. This is why the app is free for non-members - to allow you to tell your friends/family about using the app to follow your journeys.

Consider if you want these people to always have access to your ACTIVE tracking. If not, and only want them to follow you for a certain time period, then set a SECURITY KEY on your device and give them the password. After the trip has finished and you no longer want them to have access to view your device for other tracking - just change the password and they will get a "Device Invalid" message and won't be able to view your device tracking at all.
NOTE: by default devices are all setup with security key privacy (same as your member account login). Go to the website and open your account screen, click Edit Account and you'll be able to view your Security Key or change it. There is no function to share the security key in the message with the device id - this is just another level of security - we presume you will have a personal conversation, or send them a separate message with the security key.

PS: After you Clear or Save, all the data on your Server map is removed (not deleted) so that solves it until you start tracking again which would then appear again in the Active map. If you SAVE, it all goes into your account as a Track Log. This is all explained in the User Manual.

NOTE: When viewing other people's tracking or your own in the app, your device will need to be online as the Server Map is online. The Server map - will slow all positions that have synced from the tracking device and will give some data about how long ago the last position was received, what speed they were travelling etc. The server map receives all the positions recorded by the device and draws a route line connecting all the positions together. It's up to the Member to use the Geofences, Privacy, and Clear/Archive tools appropriately and to manage the quality of the tracking via the correct operation of the tracker.

So, read the newsletter using the link above, or jump straight to the ExplorOz TRACKER webpage for more details.

Any questions, just ask but I cannot provide personal support via the Forum - please use the Help Desk. I generally only work MOnday - Friday - I'm only online now to give you this exciting news, and now its over to Saturday Night shenanigans! Enjoy your weekend folks
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

Lifetime Member
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