Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 16:48
If I had wished to say they were banned in the Simpson I would have said "Taking trailers is not banned, UN-like in the Simpson,..". That is not what I said.
Yes, I have my opinions and will continue to express them, like you do yours.
Yes, I agree that tyre pressures (and tyre size and type) are critical and needs to be appropriate to weight.
Yes, 6 load carrying wheels on the sand with 4 driving will do more damage than 4 driven wheels, all other things being equal.
Yes, I do hope that trailers are banned from the Simpson and from
Googs Track at some time in the future.
I repeat what I said to the OP...... "I would respectfully ask that you DO NOT tow ANYTHING on
Googs Track."
OKA196 motorhome