Wheel Balance GU Patrol
Submitted: Saturday, Jun 26, 2004 at 09:32
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Member - Eric K (NSW)
I have a GU Patrol 2003 and have 285/75/R16 BFG A/T ko on and am having trouble getting the wheel balanced have just replaced the tyres from 275/70/R16 when the wheels were balanced good, the 275s were rotated and balanced by nissan and when we got the Patrol back the steering wheel was not aligned and the wheels were out of balance, since then we have put on the 285s and had 3 front end aligments and 4 off car wheel balance and 3 on car wheel balance and the wheels still wobble at 86k and 96k have had a real up and down with Nissan who original said that the steering wheel could not be fixed however when i went higher up the chain found out that it could be done and that has now been fixed but no one in Nissan can tell me what they did in the rotation that would couse the steering wheel to move and why we cant get the wobble out.
all Nissan say it that the Patrols all wobble
well mine only started when they did the rotation and balance " by the way they were instrusted not to do it as we were going to fit the new tyre and it was driving just great.
Any ideas were i go from here would be helpful
Reply By: Member - Pesty (SA) - Saturday, Jun 26, 2004 at 10:36
Saturday, Jun 26, 2004 at 10:36
Eric try rotating your wheels one at a time with the spare over the next week say one every couple of days and see at the end of the week what you have found. It sounds to me like a very fine maufacturing fault in one of the new tyres. It will take a bit of trial and error to find. It may not be the car. Not sure what you mean about the 4psi rule other than 3-4 psi is usually about the temp increase from a cold tyre to a hot.
Reply By: Member - Eric K (NSW) - Saturday, Jun 26, 2004 at 12:20
Saturday, Jun 26, 2004 at 12:20
Cheers Stev for that but the old tyres were great when it went into Nissan and bad when they came out it was then that i fitted the new tyres
Reply By: Patrol22 (Queanbeyan - Saturday, Jun 26, 2004 at 17:08
Saturday, Jun 26, 2004 at 17:08
Hi Eric
I too had terrible problems balancing my BFG ATs on my GU. The best result was with a Bob Jane Gold Balance. Interestingly I just fitted a set of Yokohama GO11s to my second set of wheels for my forthcoming trip to the Cape. I have run them through the entire speed range and they are so sweetly balanced I can't feel a damn thing back through the wheel. Oh and they were only dynamically balanced off the car at Pat's Tyres in Queanbeyan.
Follow Up By: Member - Eric K (NSW) - Saturday, Jun 26, 2004 at 18:15
Saturday, Jun 26, 2004 at 18:15
Hi Patrol what size were thos Yoko tyres sounds like you have found the answer i had that with the 275s but have trouble with the 285s
Follow Up By: Patrol22 (Queanbeyan - Sunday, Jun 27, 2004 at 18:41
Sunday, Jun 27, 2004 at 18:41
Eric - sorry for the delay replying been helping out the son-in-law with his house extensions. The tyres - I've stuck with the factory recommended tyres of 265/70R16 in both the BFG and the new Yokos. Thought about changing profile but figures that the engineers at Nissan know a bit more than I do about matching tyre/wheel combinations to vehicles than I do. Also I was a bit wary of putting too much load on the 2.8tdi.
Reply By: Member - Ray - Saturday, Jun 26, 2004 at 20:23
Saturday, Jun 26, 2004 at 20:23
Strange things wheels, I have Cooper s/ts and at 85000k (the tyres have done 65000 there is a bit of a wheel shudder at 85k. took it to the guy who fitted the tyres and he took one look and said the shockies have had the dick.We had perfect comfort up till now so I guess its a job for the "experts"now.
What do I buy in regards to Shocks. All help appreciated.
Reply By: Puddin & Gumnut (Sydney) - Saturday, Jun 26, 2004 at 22:12
Saturday, Jun 26, 2004 at 22:12
Nissans are notorius for being hard to balance as the rims are so heavy or so my tyre mate tokd me.
Reply By: Schevchenko - Sunday, Jun 27, 2004 at 11:15
Sunday, Jun 27, 2004 at 11:15
Eric - I experienced this once with my commodore and it can be really annoying. It went in for simple repairs and was not the same. On car ballance/off ballance little diff, also new tyres. the first thing to do is to borrow a complete set of 'known' ballanced wheels (someone here may help), and put them on to
check for sure it is the orig wheels/tyres that are the prob, because it can definately be something else. Otherwise you can muck around forever with this. Later option is to take it to a dynamo where they can drive it stationary at 90k or whatever and
check it out while thats happening for driveline etc ballance issues as
well. this could be tricky to find but may be worth it.
check out racing/tuning shops.
Good luck - its worth the hassle.
Follow Up By: Schevchenko - Sunday, Jun 27, 2004 at 18:52
Sunday, Jun 27, 2004 at 18:52
Don't forget - an on car balance is not ideal because it is only trying to mask the real issue. If you have to change wheels outback, you may be back with the vibration, because the spare wasn't balanced on the car, and the vibration is not sourced ONLY from the wheels!
counterweights may mask a slight bulge in tyre on balancing machine, yet vibrate on car at 90.
Reply By: JR - Sunday, Jun 27, 2004 at 11:47
Sunday, Jun 27, 2004 at 11:47
Ive had wheel balance problems for years on various PAtrols, never have I heard such a range of excuses from tyre shops.
Most dealers , clearly not yours though, have a tyre
shop they use who can get it right.
These Gold or silver balances from Bob Jane do not automatically solve the problem.
I believe its to do either a dodgy tyre, or more likely the machine they use to balance them.
It MUST have a proper 6 stud locating hub attachment, not the std. conical locator most use.
After finding a tyre
shop with this attachment, all balance problems have gone away. On first time, wheels were 50g out each, thats heaps. They were just done on a Bob Janes
shop machine, who actually recommended the other
Shop after I complained.