Few Questions before buying ExploreOz

Submitted: Friday, Apr 16, 2021 at 20:03
ThreadID: 141535 Views:8524 Replies:4 FollowUps:18
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Hey all.
Doing home work on what off-road maps to buy, after running away fast from the new-er hema explorer disaster they've got.
Everything so far is pointing to ExplorOz.
But some things are still not clear to me, so I have a few questions before buying.
I have a Android tablet/phone. And I used to "plot" my tracks/routes on the PC while it was synced to my Hema cloud and therefore visible/editable on the Tablet.
Now I understand, ExplorOz has a similar concept??
Is this definitely what ExplorOz can do? But I would have to buy Android AND Windows apps separately?

And second question is are trips definitely plottable point by point anywhere on the map and not just at your current GPS location ? And then saved as tracks/routes or whatever you want to call it ?
This is the #1 feature for me that is an absolute must.

Thanks ahead.
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Reply By: TrevorDavid - Saturday, Apr 17, 2021 at 06:48

Saturday, Apr 17, 2021 at 06:48
Morning H

Yes plottable anywhere on the map.

Yes will sync to your tablet via data manager.

The App is not transferrable between platforms so may need to purchase the App for Android & Windows, but only need to purchase the offline maps once only, as they can be loaded on any / each platform. Don’t really need to load the offline maps on your PC at home if your not moving it around, can if you wish.

I am not an Android user but I believe there is an Android simulator that you can use with Windows 10 called Bluestacks, if you only want to purchase the app once. I’m sure someone can tell you more about Bluestacks.

Personally I have the App on two platforms, each to there own.



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AnswerID: 636032

Reply By: Idler Chris - Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 16:35

Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 16:35
I understand that Hodge's second question is that you can nominate a starting place other than your current GPS position, say Geelong and an end place, say Ballarat, and the app will calculate a turn by turn track which you can then save. I have read the manual and cannot see how this can be done. Is it possible, and if so, how?
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AnswerID: 636051

Follow Up By: Member BarryG - Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 17:57

Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 17:57
I think Traveller does allow this.
Using your example, you can create a trek from Geelong to Ballarat and save it as a personal trek. You can then search for and display that trek. It only shows the route from Geelong to Ballarat, regardless of where you are at the moment. If you click the Show option and then the Directions button at the bottom of the trek info screen, you get a list of driving directions from Geelong to Ballarat.
Of course, to use that trek, you have to use the GoTo button and then it will create additional driving directions to get to Geelong to start your trek.
I hope I've explained this well enough?
FollowupID: 913861

Follow Up By: Idler Chris - Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 20:55

Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 20:55
Thanks for your reply BarryG. Let me put the problem another way.
You are at home trip planning. On day one you plan to go from Melbourne to Mildura. In your planning you want to break this day up into a number of different legs, of which Geelong to Ballarat is one of them. You want to create a track with the turn by turn instructions calculated by the app and save it to a track file so that when you are at Geelong you can recall the track file without having an internet connection. Lets say in this instance you created 5 track files for this days journey. When you create each of these 5 tracks you are given the distance and estimated time to drive, which you can add up to give you the total proposed kilometres to be travelled and the estimated travelling time. If travelling in a group, you give a copy of the track files to each other vehicle so that everybody is on the same page with exactly the same directions.
Unfortunately, I cannot see how this can be done, hopefully someone can prove me wrong.
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FollowupID: 913864

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 22:39

Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 22:39
Sharing personal treks has been discussed here recently. I think Michelle indicated David is working on that fairly high up on the priority list.

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FollowupID: 913865

Follow Up By: Member BarryG - Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 22:44

Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 22:44
Yes Frank, I saw that post as well. But I don't think that sharing was Hodge's immediate requirement. It was the ability to plan a route from A to B (and B to C, C to D, etc.) while actually being at point Z.
As I thought I showed above, Traveller can do this.
But perhaps, Michelle or David can explain it better than I.
FollowupID: 913866

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 22:59

Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 22:59
Yes, it can do that Barry. The difficulty is sharing those treks with others.

Here is a screenshot of two treks that I have created in Victoria, one from Wodonga to Tallangatta and the other from Tallangatta to Shelley. Though they appear as one here, when I click on them the resulting highlighting shows they are separate Treks. If you were to do a series of sequential Treks, this is what they would look like. I created them on my PC in Sydney, so that shows that what Chris and you want to do is easily done.

The issue is sharing them with other Traveller users. ATM that is not able to be done EXCEPT that you can export and share a Trek as a GPX file but it has none of the navigation instructions and other features that the Trek contains.

As we have noted, David is working on sharing Treks so that the navigation data is not lost.

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FollowupID: 913867

Follow Up By: Member BarryG - Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 23:04

Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 23:04
I agree with you Frank. But Hodge's "#1 feature that is an absolute must" is currently met by the Traveller app as it stands today. He did not mention sharing, which I agree is an outstanding issue and one that is currently being addressed by David.
FollowupID: 913868

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 23:07

Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 23:07
Ah, yes, I got distracted by Chris's sharing issues. Yes, Traveller as it stands now meets Hodge's #1 feature requirement.

Hodge, does my follow-up with the map above help?

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FollowupID: 913869

Follow Up By: Idler Chris - Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 23:10

Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 23:10
Thanks Frank P I could not see how you could create tracks like you have done. I will have another look.. Chris
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FollowupID: 913870

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 23:35

Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 at 23:35

Just click on the starting Place and click Goto.
Click on the next Place on the route and click Goto.
Select Add in the pop-up.
And so on until the segment is finished.

You will note that there is no route between your present position and the starting point of what you just created.

In the Navigation window, click Save.
You have now created a Trek.

If you do as above but with the last point of your saved Trek as the starting point for your new one, you will have sequential segments, each one a separate Trek.

If each Trek is a day's travel, then at the start of a day click the Trek for that day, click Goto and navigation will begin from your present position to start of the day's trek and will continue to the end point for the day.

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FollowupID: 913871

Follow Up By: Member BarryG - Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 00:00

Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 00:00
Well described Frank!
FollowupID: 913872

Follow Up By: Idler Chris - Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 10:26

Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 10:26
Thank you Frank P described beautifully. This method of track recording and sharing is good but I believe that if you have no internet reception when you recall the track at its starting point you see the track on the map but you do not get turn by turn instructions.
What I an trying to achieve is to create a turn by turn track which can be loaded and used without having an internet connection when you start.
If you are at place A and you want to go to place B and you have internet reception the ExplorOz Traveller App will calculate and store on your device a turn by turn route which will then verbally guide you to your destination. As the app has stored on your device the route and the directions, you no longer need an internet connection to complete the trip. I would like to be able to store this track file for use at another time.
What I want to do at home is create a trek that is the same, so that when I physically get to place A and I do not have internet reception, I can recall the track I recorded at home so that I get turn by turn navigation to point B even though I have no internet reception.
This is of importance to people who organise and lead trips. As a trip leader you will issue an planned itinerary usually showing by day your expected route and activities. For each day you want to include a track file that gives the turn by turn instructions for that day without having to rely on internet reception to do any calculations. I hope someone can tell me I am wrong and that this functionally is already there, otherwise it is something to be considered by David and Michelle.
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FollowupID: 913876

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 11:17

Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 11:17

When, within internet coverage, you create a trek and save it, all the turn by turn instructions - voice and text - are saved with the trek. So, create all your sequential, day-by-day treks as I described above, and save them. Each daily Trek is saved with its own turn-by-turn instruction set.

EDIT: Per Michelle's Follow-Up 913881 below, incorrect info that was here is deleted.

Open the Map Layers window and under Treks, check Personal. This will make ALL your sequential Treks visible on your device. Close the window.

On any given day, click that day's segment, click Goto. The Navigation window will open. Click the green Begin Navigation button.

An icon with a right turn arrow in a white diamond (like a road sign) will appear at top left. Click it and a drop-down list of turn-by-turn instructions appears. If it doesn't, click the Skip button at top right and the list will appear. (This is because you may not be at the exact starting point of your daily Trek and Traveller is trying to navigate you to it. By clicking Skip, you eliminate that.) When appropriate according to the routing engine's logic, voice instructions will also be issued. (These are also stored in the saved Trek files).

I have just tested this with the Wodonga to Tallangatta trek I showed above. I put my tablet into Aeroplane mode (no wifi, phone, bluetooth, etc so emulating out in the bush with no internet). It works.

What I an trying to achieve is to create a turn by turn track which can be loaded and used without having an internet connection when you start.

I think Traveller does exactly what you want it to do, with the exception of being able to share Treks with your "clients". Once David has worked that out you'll have everything you're after (if I have understood your posts correctly.)


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FollowupID: 913877

Follow Up By: Idler Chris - Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 11:43

Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 11:43
Frank P I owe you half a dozen beers and probably many others do too.
That is absolutely fantastic. I have read the manual and could not see this functionally. Either I am a bit senile or the manual could be clearer. I suspect Michelle has not had enough time to revise the manual and working with app all the time makes it very difficult to explain things to others who do not start have the same level of knowledge. I suppose this is what the Forum is about, informing people.

Should the ExplorOz Traveller App be a mandatory in every remote adventurer toolbag? I will give my answer to this question in a day or so.

Once again three cheers for Frank and if you meet him buy him a beer.
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FollowupID: 913880

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 12:57

Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 12:57
Frank has done a great job of describing this, thank you however he has made one error.
In Followup 913877 (currently 12 of 13) addressed to Chris, he incorrectly suggests that a Personal Trek created on a device is not saved to that device but to the server only so that you have to Update your Places & Treks database to get it stored onto that device for offline use. This is not actually true. Any Trek (or modification of a Trek) you make on a specific device is stored on that device with no need to update your datbase to sync it back off the server. This feature exists only to enable you to sync Personal Treks made on ANOTHER device to download to A SECOND device.
The rest of what he says is all true and accurate.
As soon as you make a Personal Trek the entire turn by turn routing is saved so you can recall that Trek with all its turn by turn guidance when OFFLINE.
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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FollowupID: 913881

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 13:07

Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 13:07
Sorry about that , Chief. Don't have a full licence yet, still on my P's :-)

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FollowupID: 913883

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 13:10

Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 13:10
Happy to review the User Manaul but think the information you missed is clearly there...
Go to page 25 as per this;

And on page 26 as per this;

as well as the entire section about "How to Create a Personal Trek" that commences on Page 27 (the user manual begins with a Table of Contents and headings you can jump to so there is a link direct to this section).

and page 28 also explains about syncing from server database to device;
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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FollowupID: 913884

Reply By: Hodge - Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 20:41

Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 20:41
Thank you so much for all your replies everyone.
Pretty much answered everything what I needed.
In the thread there were mentions of "turn by turn". I personally don't need this. An app to tell me to turn left here and go straight here like the old skool Navman...

Just to clarify what I wanted to confirm, was available within the app. And this may be incredibly simply and straight forward for the experts here.
For example...
I'd like to be able to sit at home, open up the Windows version of the app, and plot/draw a line point to point, on a track and/or a few tracks. Call it a route if you will... Kind of like leaving breadcrumbs without actually being there...
I can then sync/save that route to a cloud/account, so that when I open the Android version on my tablet, and I travel to that area where the route was plotted, online or offline, i can then simply follow it as the map moves along...
This is exactly how the "Old" version of Hema explorer used to work. It was brilliant.
Hope it makes sense.
AnswerID: 636064

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 22:00

Monday, Apr 19, 2021 at 22:00

Going back to your opening post and just to confirm:

1 Yes, you will have to buy an Android version and a Windows version of Traveller as separate purchases.

2 [quote]
And second question is are trips definitely plottable point by point anywhere on the map and not just at your current GPS location ?
Yes they are, as I posted in Follow-ups above.

You can do what I think you want to do, ie create a route or a number of routes on a map with highlighted lines to follow, but without being told turn by turn instructions.

If I understand your question correctly:
In Windows, create the routes as I described in the Follow-Ups above. That will create lines to follow - the "breadcrumbs without being there" - as you put it. At this stage they are called Personal Treks. Save them as you create them. They will be saved to your Windows device (PC, I presume) and, provided you have an internet connection, they will also be saved to your EO account.

Now open Traveller on your Android tablet. Use Data Manager to update Places and Treks. This will get the Treks you created in Windows onto your Android tablet.

On the tablet, open the Map Layers window and under Treks, check Personal. Close the window. This will make ALL your created Treks visible on your tablet as fairly thick black and white dotted lines.

When you get to the start of a line, or anywhere in it, just follow it. You don't need to do anything else.

Is that what you're after?


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FollowupID: 913894

Follow Up By: TrevorDavid - Tuesday, Apr 20, 2021 at 06:36

Tuesday, Apr 20, 2021 at 06:36
G’Day Hodge

Another thing you could do, is go the ExplorOz website, register as a visitor (free), go to products, then traveller and there is the user manual you could download (PDF). From page 23 onwards will explain what your after. It may seem a bit daunting at first but once you have done once or twice it really isn’t hard at all. When your in there have a squiz at some of the other features, it’s a fantastic app that just keeps getting better, an absolute credit to David & Michelle.



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FollowupID: 913895

Reply By: Member - cruza25 - Wednesday, Apr 21, 2021 at 12:12

Wednesday, Apr 21, 2021 at 12:12
Here are 2 screenshots taken in the app

1 is the plan I did at home just by selecting places from the app database shown by the yellow line

2 is the actual log of the trip.

Very different because the desert was closed

I think it will do all you want plus more.
AnswerID: 636092

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