Hello mates!
Long ago we had a discussion in this
forum about a 4x4 rental co., That cheated us, and stole our money, asking for a 6500 bond that was never returned.
We, and many others were falsly accused of fast and reckless driving, having 'police tickets', and were threathened by the company.
A lot of fonts were spread here:
Some wrote that it is a shame, that such companies allowd to contiue doing bussiness in Australia.
Others about tourists that have no clue about how to opperate a 4x4 and don't care about safty or the vehicle they hired.
We, israelis, that have respct to land, nature, and drove and navigated both sides of the road, in 5 continents, had enough knowledge to ubderstand that we have been robed.
The trueth is, as tourist - we did not feel like returning to travel down under...
Here and in other forums, we have warned others not to be fouled by this company.
we have found others: tourist and local, that were cheated by the same company, in the same way - and the there are many...
Together, we have found more than 100 customer, we have ecourged them to file an ACCC complaint.
It took a very long time, but now there is a court rulling:
To compensate the renters and pay penalties.
I'm quite sure that the robbers will escape, but, at least now we can return to travel in Australia, knowing that bonnie and clyde have left the area.