Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 at 08:38
FYI, I am running OziExplorer on a Win 10 PC and laptop without a problem.
If I understand your follow-up to Trevor David correctly, you're asking if
ExplorOz Traveller is the equivalent of OziExplorer in a HN16.
Yes it is. Traveller is a navigator, just like Ozi in the HN16.
I've never used an HN16 so I don't know what else it does other than seeing some Youtube vids where people drop pins to save POIs and later navigate to them. Traveller does all of that and heaps more, so you won't be losing out by switching over.
Traveller can also do street navigation. You can type in an address and it will calculate a route, just like Tom Tom or IGO in HN16. The only difference is it needs internet to do that. But once the route is calculated you get the guidance even if internet drops out during the journey. You could be in
Sydney, type in a
Perth street address and Traveller will give you voice instructions all the way. As you drive in and out of internet coverage, Traveller will recalculate if necessary to set you straight. And you don't need to be on main roads. Traveller will do all that on minor and outback roads if you choose that.
This is not meant to be an ad vor Traveller. I'm just trying to reassure you that it can do what I think you want it to do.
As Trevor Davis said, if you want a Windows copy and an Android copy of Traveller you will have to buy the app twice.
But you only need to buy one copy of the
EOTopo 2021 maps. You're able to use them in both the Windows Traveller and the Android Traveller .
And Barry G makes a good point below. Many people incorrectly refer to Traveller as ExplorOz and then get confused with Ozi Explorer.
The app is NOT called ExplorOz, it is called Traveller. It just happens to be made by the ExplorOz people.
You may already know that but many don't seem to, so I'm just putting it out there for info.