Is ExplorOz compatible to use with HNI6 GPS Navigator?

Submitted: Wednesday, Apr 28, 2021 at 22:47
ThreadID: 141604 Views:7620 Replies:7 FollowUps:7
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HEMA HNI6 ,ever since it upgraded to HNI7 and new HEMA Hx-1 , then damn support has gone downhil ! OzExplorer and HEMA Maps don't work on Window 10 anymore too . Only on WIndow 7 or * they worked . Now you have the pain of trying to source the MS Mobile Device Cnetre again whihc exited on Window 7 /8 but nil on Winodws 10 ... the issues just og on and on. One line Support form HEMA in Brisbane is snail pace even !

My question
1. If I get DeskTop Lincense of EOTOPO21 . do I need to get one for he Andriod Mobile App too ?
2. How does one interface EOTOP21 to HNI6 please ( Green stick question as I have never used ExplorOz)

Thaks you for you help and advice in advanced . I need these question answered within the week ( if possible ) before ican decide t may purchase of EOTOP21.

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Reply By: TrevorDavid - Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 at 04:53

Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 at 04:53
K R1

The EOTOPO21 offline map license is a once only purchase, you can load it on all platforms. You will however need to purchase the ExplorOz Traveller App separately for your Windows PC & for your Android device. Please note the Windows version of the App only works on Windows 10.

EOTOPO21 does not interface with the HNI6, it is for the ExplorOz Traveller App only.



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AnswerID: 636188

Follow Up By: Member - Kenneth R1 - Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 at 05:44

Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 at 05:44
Trevor David, Thanks explaining the real facts.
So Oz Explorer that accompanies the HNI6, is what the ExplorOz Traveller.. No Lil Tomtom which is got voice guide to navigation. But I got Camp9 installed on it.

With HNI6 I use mostly the Oziexplorer part. It does exactly as expected before I bought it. The IGO street nav software is OK, not as good as Tomtom 820 get Lifetime world maps and pay for Speed Cameras , but still OK. I use that when I want to find Camps 7 POIs

But Windows 10, has killed HemMaps and OziExplorer for good. Those who have HNI7 need to rely on HEMA paper Maps, paid so much for a con.

But EOTOP21 will do a good job and I may end up a Lifetime member like you mate.

Maybe you didn't look into the product enough to see if it delivered what you expected before you bought.

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FollowupID: 914053

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 at 08:38

Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 at 08:38

FYI, I am running OziExplorer on a Win 10 PC and laptop without a problem.

If I understand your follow-up to Trevor David correctly, you're asking ifExplorOz Traveller is the equivalent of OziExplorer in a HN16.

Yes it is. Traveller is a navigator, just like Ozi in the HN16.

I've never used an HN16 so I don't know what else it does other than seeing some Youtube vids where people drop pins to save POIs and later navigate to them. Traveller does all of that and heaps more, so you won't be losing out by switching over.

Traveller can also do street navigation. You can type in an address and it will calculate a route, just like Tom Tom or IGO in HN16. The only difference is it needs internet to do that. But once the route is calculated you get the guidance even if internet drops out during the journey. You could be in Sydney, type in a Perth street address and Traveller will give you voice instructions all the way. As you drive in and out of internet coverage, Traveller will recalculate if necessary to set you straight. And you don't need to be on main roads. Traveller will do all that on minor and outback roads if you choose that.

This is not meant to be an ad vor Traveller. I'm just trying to reassure you that it can do what I think you want it to do.

As Trevor Davis said, if you want a Windows copy and an Android copy of Traveller you will have to buy the app twice.

But you only need to buy one copy of the EOTopo 2021 maps. You're able to use them in both the Windows Traveller and the Android Traveller .

And Barry G makes a good point below. Many people incorrectly refer to Traveller as ExplorOz and then get confused with Ozi Explorer.

The app is NOT called ExplorOz, it is called Traveller. It just happens to be made by the ExplorOz people.

You may already know that but many don't seem to, so I'm just putting it out there for info.


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FollowupID: 914055

Follow Up By: Michael H9 - Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 at 19:39

Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 at 19:39
We need one of those laptop/tablet devices from the movies that can even interface with alien technology to deliver a virus to the alien mothership so a nuke can be delivered to it. That device could run anything anywhere so I suspect that alien technology isn't as complicated as I assumed. A HN16 would be a doddle... :-)
FollowupID: 914061

Reply By: Member BarryG - Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 at 09:04

Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 at 09:04
Hi Kenneth,
Please do not confuse OziExplorer with ExplorOz Traveller. They are totally separate products, from totally separate companies.
I like both and I was an OziExplorer devotee for many years. But, since switching to Apple devices and with the regular improvements to ExplorOz Traveller, Traveller is now the one for me!
AnswerID: 636189

Reply By: Member - Duncan2H - Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 at 13:29

Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 at 13:29
Given your HN6 is OziExplorer under the hood then you should be able to use the EOTOPO Pre 2021 ECW/OZF Versions of the EOTOPO Maps.. as they come in ECW & OZF Raster formats.. which according to Hema are compatible with the HN6..

To be honest.. it'd be so much dicking about to make it happen and Hema seems to be self destructing. I'd be getting an Android tablet if I were you and running EO Traveller and the 2021 maps.

AnswerID: 636191

Reply By: Member - Kenneth R1 - Friday, Apr 30, 2021 at 06:14

Friday, Apr 30, 2021 at 06:14
Mate I have agree with you and give Hem the flix. Useless support for HNI6 and 7 as it now moved on to HX1 product. Money grabbing arses! ??

Given its OziExplorer under the hood then you should be able to use the Pre 2021 ECW/OZF Versions of the EOTOPO Maps.. as they come in ECW & OZF Raster formats.. which according to Hema are compatible with the HN6..

Thank for that obscure Technical article on HEMA Maps. Below mate..

Why Android tablet? I have a iPad Pro, I will ge Apple Store download and Android on my mobile, plan be running EO Traveller and the EOTOPO21 maps. Forget Hema Maps, but can still use HNI6.

Because one of Our ExplorOz members :
Dug this up at Hema Maps website :

OziExplorer under the hood then you should be able to use the Pre 2021 ECW/OZF Versions of the EOTOPO Maps.. as they come in ECW & OZF Raster formats.. which according to Hema are compatible with the HN6..

"Given its OziExplorer under the hood then you should be able to use the Pre 2021 ECW/OZF Versions of the EOTOPO Maps.. as they come in ECW & OZF Raster formats.. which according to Hema are compatible with the HN6.."
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AnswerID: 636199

Follow Up By: Member - Kenneth R1 - Sunday, May 02, 2021 at 07:37

Sunday, May 02, 2021 at 07:37
Friends, According to respond from Member Frank, EOTopo 2021 DOES NOT come with ECW and raster maps. Vector only, I'm afraid. I don't think, in fact I'm sure, they won't work on the Hema device.

So thus why I put questions on the Bulletin or Forum
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FollowupID: 914090

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Sunday, May 02, 2021 at 08:37

Sunday, May 02, 2021 at 08:37
Yes, and in the second part of the post that you quote from (my Follow-up 914077 at the bottom of this topic), I said

"EOTopo 2019 maps ARE in raster format and they would work. You can still buy them from the ExplorOz shop, but they are expensive at nearly $95.00"

So if you want to you can buy the 2019 EOTopo mapset and use them in your Hema device.

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FollowupID: 914092

Reply By: cookie1 - Friday, Apr 30, 2021 at 14:53

Friday, Apr 30, 2021 at 14:53
I found too that I couldn't upload or download files to the Hema HN7 but then stumbled across Hema's fix for this and it worked

"If you cannot get Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC) running on your Windows 10 PC, you can try the following to see if it helps.

The following information / procedure has been sourced form various places on the internet. Your mileage may vary, and you must acknowledge that you undertake this process at your own risk. If you are not confident in your own abilities with your PC, enlist a knowledgeable friend or family member to help! Hema accepts no responsibility for unintended outcomes or issues. This process may or not solve the issue on your PC.

Microsoft may say that WMDC is not supported or doesn't work on Windows 10, but we find that it does on our machines without any issues.

After installing Windows Mobile Device Center on the Windows 10 PC:

Right-click on the Start button (at lower-left of the screen in default configuration)
Click on Computer Management
Expand Services & Applications
Click on Services
Scroll down to find Windows Mobile-2003-based device connectivity, then right-click it, and choose Properties
Click the Log On tab at the top of the Properties window
Make sure Local System account is selected, and ensure Allow service to interact with desktop is ticked
Click the OK button
Right-click on Windows Mobile-2003-based device connectivity
Click Start to start this service
Try starting Windows Mobile Device Center, you should find that it will start up after this."

Hope this helps
AnswerID: 636210

Follow Up By: Lurchwa - Thursday, May 06, 2021 at 21:54

Thursday, May 06, 2021 at 21:54
Yes that correction works very well and starts WMDC though the issue then lies in that the PC nor the WMDC doesnt recognise the devise when it is attached /connected to the PC. The is a mob who suggest registry hacks but to be honest I think it all a bit too hard and it shouldnt be!
FollowupID: 914163

Reply By: Member - Kenneth R1 - Saturday, May 01, 2021 at 08:22

Saturday, May 01, 2021 at 08:22
I appreciate your help and suggestions but I think you have probably misunderstood my problem. I had researched and worked out how to get Windows Mobile Device Center to work.
My problem is like with HNI7 perhaps, the one need to connect it to the PC via USB, and Mass Storage need to enable in order to connect to Hema Explorer software in order to hook up to OziExplorer - not full version for setting way points on map to be ported or download to the HNI7 or I6 in my case.
But my version of Hema Explorer software 2013. Is there a ny chance a current one??
I try to run, he boms out?! I have been liasoning with Hema Support, but they're no big help... Keep repeating the same rubbish online Support.
Thus if I get no joy out of Hema. I may consider ditch OziExplorer with Hema Navigator but use OziExplorer Traveller App with their Expoto 21...

Cheers, Kenneth
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AnswerID: 636215

Reply By: Member - Kenneth R1 - Saturday, May 01, 2021 at 09:57

Saturday, May 01, 2021 at 09:57
Thank you to all the wonderful ExplorOz Members... Your pointer and information on what are the best options will still with work with my HNI6 Navigator

1. EOTOPO21 Topo Maps have version that I comes ECW & Raster, Hema works well with OZF as ECW files work on mobiles devices such as Navigator, but unfortunately do not perform as well as OZF files.. according to Hema Maps Articles online
Thank you all who responded again.

Cheers, Kenneth
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AnswerID: 636219

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Saturday, May 01, 2021 at 11:05

Saturday, May 01, 2021 at 11:05
Err... Just to be clear, Kenneth, EOTopo 2021 DOES NOT come with ECW and raster maps. Vector only, I'm afraid. I don't think, in fact I'm sure, they won't work on the Hema device.

EOTopo 2019 maps ARE in raster format and they would work. You can still buy them from the ExplorOz shop, but they are expensive at nearly $95.00

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FollowupID: 914077

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