Monday, May 10, 2021 at 09:06
ASP, I'd go further and say if you want stay overnight *only do this* if you can have your vehicle totally off street, in a secure cara pk for example.
Most have decent fencing and nearby people to reduce risk of damage, though some
camp areas in cara parks are at the boundary, and night time fence shenanigans can happen (bashing of the fences seems to be a local sport at one of them).
Even last visit a few years ago, early morning walks led me past several vehicles parked in random streets with windows smashed.
I believe it still happens a lot from news reports, and probably worse now.
Of course it's a matter of wrong time / wrong place for any sort of vandalism, damage, violence, etc, anywhere, just you are probably more likely to encounter any of these outside daylight hours in ASP.