Wednesday, Jun 02, 2021 at 08:02
Stevemac, a quick head
check yes.
Always safer to do this, and good exercise for neck too.
I also learned a bit over 40 years ago, never just look ahead, and never at a particular range.
Eyes should be moving all the time, distant, near, left right (mirrors) and back of course, 360o.
The objective is to always know where others vehicles are around you, to enable corrective action safely if ever needed.
There are also pedestrians, animals, cyclists etc to know are about too.
Mirrors are great for keeping a tab on things, but a head
check is safer when executing the movement between lanes etc.
I always do the left / right head
check before moving off a green light at an
intersection too.
Seen way too many dashcam videos of red light runners to trust a clear departure.