Where to start?

Submitted: Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 15:35
ThreadID: 14225 Views:1824 Replies:5 FollowUps:0
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Heya all,

I now am the proud bearer of a membership card to ExplorOZ and so don't feel like a kicker when I post on the Forum. I feel that the benefits far outweigh the costs, and even though most of the benefits are free, I believe the website needs supporting.

So anyway, I'm planning a trip and am hoping to get peoples experience with expenditure. I know that it depends on where to and how far and so on, but basically we are heading South for summer, from Sydney, heading down to Wilsons Prom. then Tassie, Kangaroo Island and various other sites down South, then backtracking North, up the Cape, and then round the top and back down North West Oz to Perth, where we hope to stop and stay. Beautiful place Perth.

So I have planned $50/day/pp for a year thinking that should be sufficient. So that equates to $36,000 for 2 people for a year. Would love to get feedback and words from the wise.

Cheers Peeps!!!
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Reply By: Rosco - Bris. - Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 16:40

Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 16:40
Welcome aboard Peeps

Unless you're going to ride a pushie and live on Vegemite sangers I think you may need to double the figure.

We spent 30 days outback last year and I think the all up cost was about $6K + another $2K on unexpected expenses.

We didn't live high off the hog, but didn't scrimp either. About average.
AnswerID: 65668

Reply By: Member - Roachie SA- Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 17:12

Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 17:12
G'day and welcome to the madhouse waveslave.

I'm budgeting $7,000 for a 4 week trip to Cape York in September (with wife and 3 kids). We'll be camping in the trailer every night; hopefully only going to c/van parks when absolutely necessary.

Fuel is probably the biggest expense: a simple calculation of how many klicks you expect to do (my trip should be about 12,000 klm) and my rig uses about 18 litres to the 100 klicks when in full battle dress (haha), so that's gunna be about $2200- for diesel. Maybe I could give my boys some Araldite sandwiches and that might curb their appetites for a few days; otherwise, food is the next biggest expense (it might even be more than the fuel). So far I'm up for about $4,500- and we haven't really "done" anything yet.

I reckon you'll need a fair bit more....just my opinion.

Have a good one.

AnswerID: 65670

Reply By: Allan Mac (VIC) - Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 17:42

Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 17:42
welcome to the Mob ,enjoy the ride.
I'll go back through some of the figures on my trips and see if I can come up with some sort of a total. Like others I work out the K's and try to get the fuel budgetted first. I look at the food as if I'm still at home cause I'm still eating. Chuck a few dollars for Looky looky etc
AnswerID: 65679

Reply By: Baz (NSW) - Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 19:13

Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 19:13
Welcome aboard dude's, doesn't seem enough to me especially with fuel prices and odds and ends, vehicle break downs try to have fun.

AnswerID: 65695

Reply By: Max - Sydney - Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 20:37

Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 20:37
Had a quick look at costs for our big trip in 98 - 99. Two of us, keeping costs down but doing things like a chopper trip over Mitchell Falls etc and taking it easy speed wise; similar places to where you went, and took 14 months. Our costs varied between $65 (southern states) and $95 (north west) per day all up. Fuel has gone up by about 25% since then and I guess tucker likewise - certainly some of the access costs in the Kimberley havbe skyrocketed. I think $100 per day might be a bit slim - I'd be inclined to fatten the budget up a bit.

Have a great trip anyway!

AnswerID: 65707

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