What do you use when planning to visit a location?
Places database or WikiCamps?
There is a lot of work with the Travellers App, but like many things, the
places on the maps are only as accurate as those that are adding them.
Today there is a perfect case in
Places of 2 location that are the same, but in 2 different locations -
St Vidgeon - NT and
St Vidgeon Ruins.
Is it a case of someone just adding a photo of a location with the attitude of no one will know if this is the correct location or not.
In the past when I took great care when adding new
places, I would only ever add photos of the
actual location, and have advised the moderation team on 3 seperate times of photos not relating to an
actual location and the incorrect photos to be removed….but guess what, water off a ducks back and the inaccurate photos still in place and no response from the team.
Then you get the case of going to the database of the area you intend to visit, looking at the
EOTOPO map and nothing showing, yet on the other hand WikiCamps has the correct location with the correct photos.
Those that have WikiCamps, look for this location in
Katherine NT -
Knotts Crossing. The map details and photos are accurate but nothing on the EO Database.
Come on EO, if you want people to use your
Places Database in conjunction with your travellers app, there must be a serious overhaul of how
places are added, photos made accountable in relation to the place they are added for.
This is something that has been ongoing for years and your Place Administration team MUST have to power to remove images that are wrong and not accurate.
This is just one example from WikiCamps that you will not find in EO Places