Phew, just finished washing and polishing the Jackaroo for our ONE DAY(bugger) trip to
Bulburin Forest reserve.
We are travelling in my Jackaroo and my brothers 1997 Patrol.I figure 2 cars is safer than 1
Just to get your interest up and maybe get you drooling at the mouth I thought I would show you what everybody is missing ;-)
Rugged, high country in the
Many Peaks Range is protected in
Bulburin Forest Reserve. Mt Boreen Boreen is the highest point.
About half of the forest is covered in beautiful subtropical rainforest, dense stands of dry rainforest with emerging hoop pines, and gallery rainforest. Together, they form the largest rainforest remnant in central Queensland.
The rest of the forest contains open eucalypt forest and woodland and tall open forest with a rainforest understorey. Dry open forests with
New England blackbutt, spotted gum and white mahogany grow on the more exposed western ridges and foothills. Mature hoop pine plantations in the
State forest are being harvested for timber.
A variety of wildlife lives in the forest including wompoo pigeons, red-necked and red-legged pademelons and red-eyed tree frogs. Rare and threatened species like the long-nosed potoroo have also been reported.
The forest protects the catchments for the Boyne and Kolan Rivers and Baffle and
Granite Creeks.
Exploring Bulburin
Experience one of the best subtropical rainforest remnants in Queensland in this undeveloped forest.
Go birdwatching. See red-crowned pigeons, noisy pittas, regent bowerbirds, satin bowerbirds and paradise riflebirds in the rainforest.
Bush camp along the ridge among planted bunya pines on the site of the former Forestry barracks. No facilities are provided apart from a picnic platform, so campers must be totally self-sufficient. Take
drinking water and a fuel stove. Obtain your camping permit beforehand.
Go for a scenic drive through the forest. A four-wheel-drive loop road passes through the rainforest. You must obtain a permit to traverse before driving through the forest.
No tracks are provided. Wear insect repellent when walking in the rainforest.
Getting there
Bulburin is 50km north-east of
Monto. Conventional access is possible from Builyan on the
Gladstone Road. Turn at the Dalga Road and continue along the Bulburin Forest Road to the
campground, 16km from Builyan. A through route leads 33km to the Bruce Highway. Turn off the highway at
Granite Creek Forest Road near the
Granite Creek rest area, 64km north of
Gin Gin or 38km south of
Miriam Vale. This access road is four-wheel-drive only.
I'm Excited......
PS, Do you think Polishing a car before a big drive is a good idea? I figure when I get back I won't have such a hard time washing the car as the polish should help to prevent dirt( sorry dust) sticking to the car.
Got my permit but you only get one for a month.
Sparkie(IE not Y) ;-)