Water tanks in a Prado 120

Submitted: Tuesday, Jul 13, 2004 at 16:40
ThreadID: 14626 Views:11399 Replies:6 FollowUps:2
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Just back from a trip in a Prado120 & I really need to sort out some bulk water storage that is more efficient than multiple 20L jerrycans. Was thinking of one bigger tank (plus a few 20L jerrycans in case bigger tank has problems). Perhaps one of those 52L "Outback" plastic jobs? (very expensive at approx $300 though), some flexible bladders? a custom made stainless tank to mould up against the cargo barrier?

any suggestions welcome, & also where i can get a good price for same (in Melbourne)
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Reply By: Member - Sparkie (QLD) - Tuesday, Jul 13, 2004 at 17:54

Tuesday, Jul 13, 2004 at 17:54
Havent tried it myself but some people like to use big pipe from a plumbing place and create a water container out of that. Glue one end shut with a cap and put a screw type cap on the other( for cleaning purposes) whack in a cheap tap and a filler tube and presto. I don't know where you could stick it but I am sure other forumites have done it succesfully.Anyway it is something to think about.

Sparkie(IE not Y) ;-)
AnswerID: 67606

Reply By: Magnus - Tuesday, Jul 13, 2004 at 18:46

Tuesday, Jul 13, 2004 at 18:46

ARB have flexible bladders designed just for sticiking in the back of vehicles. Costly.

Also there are marine versions available according to a post here less than two weeks back

I have actually eyeballed a bladder in an ARB shop. Very impressive. Complete with taps and hoses etc. In between seats or in the back etc. Worth a look.


AnswerID: 67621

Follow Up By: steve - Tuesday, Jul 13, 2004 at 20:52

Tuesday, Jul 13, 2004 at 20:52
The 50l marine jobs start at about $90. Good solution, thinking about one myself.

FollowupID: 328340

Follow Up By: Member - John (Vic) - Tuesday, Jul 13, 2004 at 23:25

Tuesday, Jul 13, 2004 at 23:25
Have a look at Whitworth Marines web site.
Better bladders and cheaper than the 4wd shops are selling.
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FollowupID: 328392

Reply By: Muddy 'doe (SA) - Tuesday, Jul 13, 2004 at 21:27

Tuesday, Jul 13, 2004 at 21:27

Have considered this issue myself but have decided to stick with 3 or 4 of the clear plastic jerries stowed on the floor behind the front seats. Handy to use and carry around and the weight is nice and low. Of course this is OK if you don't have back seat passengers!.

Having said that I will probably revisit the issue when It comes to installing a drawer system. A built in tank behind the middle seats but in front of the drawers may well be the go.

AnswerID: 67669

Reply By: Tuco69 - Tuesday, Jul 13, 2004 at 21:52

Tuesday, Jul 13, 2004 at 21:52
Hi Drew - We have had similar needs ourselves with regard to water storage. In our Mazda dual cab I had a 100 litre stainless steel tank fabricated. I later had this tank cut in half to make two 50 litre tanks. Multiple tanks can often be better than a single large one for a couple of reasons. Firstly you don't have the 'all the eggs in one basket' syndrome - so if you manage to have a leak in the tank or plumbing, you wont lose all your precious water. Secondly, by having more than one tank you are able to top up individual tanks from questionable quality bores, dams, creeks etc - saving all your good drinking water in other tanks. With only one tank then you would have to top up and 'contaminate' your good water with the suspect water.

The next vehicle that I fitted water tanks to was a 4x4 Ford F150. I used two 85 litre plastic? nylon? caravan tanks from CAMEC . Obviously space wasn't a problem in such a large vehicle.

Our current vehicle is a Toyota Surf - similar size to your Prado, and I have fitted a single 59 litre Camec caravan tank under the vehicle. Our off road camper trailer also has two of the same 59 litre tanks - for a total of 177 litres of water.

The Camec tanks are less than $100 each. Many sizes and shapes are available. If you do fit a tank of some sort - do NOT use any clear hose. Use black poly pipe and fittings. This will reduce any chance of algae in the tank/system as light will not penetrate the hose. I made the mistake of using 'food grade' clear hose on the Ford setup and was plagued with algae problems until I switched to black hoses and fittings.
AnswerID: 67672

Reply By: fourplayfull - Wednesday, Jul 14, 2004 at 00:03

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2004 at 00:03
Well Drew , I have certainly tried out the Flexitank 85 litre on the floor behind the front seat in an 80 series. I must be a test case as each time I cross S/D a tiny rupture appears on a non contact area so causing water cooled carpets etc. To their credit though , each one has been repaired & or replaced - just returned from Hay River , Ruby Gap , Boggy Hole , Old Andado etc. with no. 4 leaking . The concept & operation is ideal . Manufacturer mutterings now saying problem with material - certainly appears so as the seam welding never fails .
AnswerID: 67700

Reply By: eerfree - Wednesday, Jul 14, 2004 at 23:00

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2004 at 23:00
Simple answer Drink Wine Hickkk!!
AnswerID: 67846

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