Useful tips for caravaning around Australia
Submitted: Monday, Mar 19, 2001 at 01:00
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Peter and Michele Gordon
We are early forties, considering taking the big plunge. Selling the house, buying a new caravan, we are gone. We wish to live in the caravan full time, work when we need too, travel when we dont. The tow vehicle is a 98 Prado V6 auto, GTM 2,500kg. Any suggestions about caravan make, type, size, layout, equipment and or vehicle modifications or advise will be gratefully accepted. I do not plan in dragging any of us over damaged or unmade roads on this expedition, just having a lot of fun with friends! Many thanks.
Reply By: Greg - Tuesday, Mar 20, 2001 at 01:00
Tuesday, Mar 20, 2001 at 01:00
Hi Peter and Michele. I am an experienced traveller but prefer to use a good camper trailer for the flexibility. I think it would be a pity to head off on such a trip considering you own a 4wd and will be travelling so far and not to go on many of the rough outback roads and tracks. Common sense, good preparation and not overloading or travelling at excessive speed, will see you through most
places with ease. Arrange to be in the north during May-August and travel anticlockwise.
Avoiding a place because you have heard from others that the road is rough will see you miss out on many of the best
places. Set yourself up with a van and leave it in a central location and have your vehicle set up to do camping trips. A tent, fridge (12v/240v/gas) and a gas stove is all you will need. Keep it simple and you will enjoy it more.
Hope this is a start. Please feel free to email me.
Follow Up By: Peter Gordon - Friday, Mar 23, 2001 at 01:00
Friday, Mar 23, 2001 at 01:00
Thanks for your reply Greg. We have chosen the caravan option because we plan to make it our place of residence until we finish work in a couple of years. The theory is bugger the mortgage, save every cent, then enjoy before we get too old. You have some very good points in your letter, I am considering setting up the back of the Prado so that we can do some of the trips you talked about. Cheers, Peter
Reply By: Edwin Callard - Thursday, Mar 22, 2001 at 01:00
Thursday, Mar 22, 2001 at 01:00
Peter and Michele. Having spent two years in a van with three kids, I can assure you you will have a lot of fun. I sold a nice car and bought an old Falcon 500
sedan and towed a 25ft caravan. One bit of advice I got which Im glad I took was not to sell the
Home. I dont know your situation but think about it. We travelled through all state except QLD. Worked picking grapes,oranges and all sorts of fruit. I got a job in the mines at a place called Teutonic
Bore in W.A. what an experience. You will meet all sorts of people and a lot doing the same as you. Have a lot of coffee ready because you will spend hours swapping yarns. There will be a lot to see and a lot to remember so video and film is important. Dont rush, its all been there for a long time, enjoy it. Contact me if you want detailed info. Edwin Callard
Follow Up By: Peter Gordon - Friday, Mar 23, 2001 at 01:00
Friday, Mar 23, 2001 at 01:00
Thanks for your reply Edwin, we appreciate it. I can hardly contain my excitement looking forward to travelling. Our reasons for selling the house are simple, we doubt if we will return to Tasmania to live again, you know
Cairns in winter, maybe
Hobart or
Melbourne in summer. We will always have lots of coffee, so if are paths cross, come and have a cuppa with us.
Reply By: Peter Gordon - Friday, Mar 23, 2001 at 01:00
Friday, Mar 23, 2001 at 01:00
Thanks for your reply Greg. We have chosen the caravan option because we plan to make it our place of residence until we finish work in a couple of years. The theory is bugger the mortgage, save every cent, then enjoy before we get too old.
You have some very good points in your letter, I am considering setting up the back of the Prado so that we can do some of the trips you talked about.