Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 20:25
I think an important part of our patronage of the out back is to support the businesses that set up out there for our convenience. Imagine if a few of them packed up and left because we want to visit their place and save every dollar we can.
Next time I go I will be buying as much as I can from the locals - saves carrying too much and when you see what they have and at what price you will agree.
Oh yes and if some "seeming" bloodsucker jacks his fuel price up 3 -6 cents - dont worry hes probably trying to pay for a variety or odd sized tyres he carries (sometimes for years) in case your convoy does a few tyres in. Im eternally greatful to the servo at
Leigh Creek that had just one of those for me when I needed one and guess what I paid the same price as I would have at
home. I paid a bit more for the fuel out there though, but really If you drive a $20-$80,000 4wd are you really counting???
Otherwise stick to state forests.
So forget saving $50 - lash out - spend it on what is one of the best adventures some people will ever have with a margin of safety - these guys sit out the summer with little turnover to give you guys piece of mind for a few weeks in winter. They are great people - when you meet them you will find a real Australian not an urban businessman.
If you want to save money save it at