Fuel Prices

Submitted: Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 03:23
ThreadID: 15279 Views:3551 Replies:4 FollowUps:4
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We are traveling across the Simpson Desert in just over a weeks time, can anyone give us some feedback on Diesel prices at Marree, William Creek, Oodnadatta and Birdsville. This would help greatly in working out where to fill up and get the best value.

Thanks for any assistance.
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Reply By: Member - Tim D (VIC) - Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 07:26

Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 07:26
would be intrested in ulp price as well
AnswerID: 71194

Reply By: Baz (NSW) - Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 07:45

Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 07:45
Have a look at this.

Fuel prices

AnswerID: 71196

Follow Up By: Blaze - Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 15:27

Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 15:27
Thanks for this Baz, been there, as you will see Oodnadatta isn't updated since July 16th.
FollowupID: 331477

Reply By: Member - Bob - Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 09:03

Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 09:03
mate if you're worried about a $10 saving on a tank of fuel, how are you going to feel when you stake a $250 tyre? There's more to think about than a few cents a liter on fuel
AnswerID: 71205

Follow Up By: Blaze - Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 15:36

Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 15:36
Hi Bob,

When you have 5 vehicles doing over 4000k's and you can save $10 per fill up on each, I will let you do the maths, and its hoped you would be the same as me and not laughing when you do in a $250.00 tyre. We all know we take the risk and except the loss when we do tyres and even motors but most of us save money when we can.

FollowupID: 331479

Follow Up By: SweatsonArmstrong - Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 20:25

Wednesday, Aug 04, 2004 at 20:25
I think an important part of our patronage of the out back is to support the businesses that set up out there for our convenience. Imagine if a few of them packed up and left because we want to visit their place and save every dollar we can.
Next time I go I will be buying as much as I can from the locals - saves carrying too much and when you see what they have and at what price you will agree.

Oh yes and if some "seeming" bloodsucker jacks his fuel price up 3 -6 cents - dont worry hes probably trying to pay for a variety or odd sized tyres he carries (sometimes for years) in case your convoy does a few tyres in. Im eternally greatful to the servo at Leigh Creek that had just one of those for me when I needed one and guess what I paid the same price as I would have at home. I paid a bit more for the fuel out there though, but really If you drive a $20-$80,000 4wd are you really counting???

Otherwise stick to state forests.

So forget saving $50 - lash out - spend it on what is one of the best adventures some people will ever have with a margin of safety - these guys sit out the summer with little turnover to give you guys piece of mind for a few weeks in winter. They are great people - when you meet them you will find a real Australian not an urban businessman.

If you want to save money save it at home.
FollowupID: 331517

Reply By: Blaze - Thursday, Aug 05, 2004 at 02:48

Thursday, Aug 05, 2004 at 02:48
Hell guys I don't believe the feedback I get for just asking the prices of fuel at 4 towns. Of course I buy in the outback, and lets face it Leigh Creek isn't outback anymore. I have driven the SD on numerous occasions back when it was still a real adventure. Non aircon vehicles, no power steering etc. I own a small business and competition is what business has always been built on in this great country. I have travelled to every state on most of the tracks around OZ. I have filled up quite a few times at service stations only to find it cheaper 200klm's further inland, with some owners hoping weekend 4X4'ers will think it will be dearer down the track, so they buy at their pumps. I am guessing you are thinking then it’s a waste of time for Exploreoz to have a fuel prices page in on the road as no one will look. The only reason I asked is because Oodnadatta was 3 weeks old prices at the time of asking (now current) William creek didn't have a price and Leigh Creek was also 3 weeks behind.

Last year we paid $1.14 for diesel in Alice Springs and 98c a litre at William Creek, so go figure. Living a country town myself a massive 260klm's from the big smoke and paying on average 12 cents more per litre than Adelaide I personally would love to see fuel go to say $1.05 per litre and be Australia wide everywhere. Then some of the back packers etc that are on shoe-string budgets could work out ahead of time what it would cost them to travel anywhere.

By your statements SweatsonArmstrong you would leave on a trip up the Oodnadatta track and stop and purchase fuel at Hawker, Leigh Creek, Marree, William Creek, Oodnadatta and Mt Dare before heading over the SD, just so you could support all the businesses out there. I have no idea under those ideals what to do at towns with 2 or more servos.

And on a final note, if fuel was $2.00 per litre at these places, as a financially secure couple we would be still doing the trip, but the young pensioner travelling with us in his old Tojo tray top, after having to take 3 weeks off his 2 day a week employment, probably couldn't afford it, and this is who I mainly asked for. So please remember that not everyone has an $80,000 dollar vehicle or an $800.00 per week income, some people who love this country and what it has to offer are on very tight budgets and don't want to be so irresponsible as to set off a trip like this without a enough money to do it
AnswerID: 71357

Follow Up By: bruce - Thursday, Aug 05, 2004 at 11:35

Thursday, Aug 05, 2004 at 11:35
Well said Blaze , as pensioners our selves and in the early stages of planning a trip up north next year we will be wanting to know just where the cheapest fuel is ...got caught a few yrs ago ... filled up at 3 ways ...at Tennant Ck it was 3 cents a litre cheaper...
FollowupID: 331563

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