Tuesday, Jan 04, 2005 at 22:06
Yes i agree with your comment,,, i am closer to these
places you mentioned...*but*......
The Centre is a huge drive from any Capital City in Aust so whats another days driving?...When you would be on a longish vacation anyway??...
Wilpena Pound,,, just a tourist trap,,, a gateway to some privately owned tracks,,, Skytrek,
arkaba and some others which are generally $40 a pop,,, harsh, dry, dustbowls most of the year round,, plenty of little creek crossings with no water at all.....
Birdsville track,,, another long drive to get there but most people are only going through
Birdsville on there long awaited yearly vacation.... So another days driving is stuff all...
Dont get me wrong though,,, most of my more challenging tracks are in some privately owned areas of the flinders,,,, *but* to come to a place which is one full days drive from
adelaide (your backyard),,, and to have rainforest, 4x4 tracks, (wet) creek crossings, fishing, and camping,,, just blew my doors off....
If i ever win the lotto i will build hut number 7½ and call it Grants Hut and live there and be boring too....
I have been hearing the name
Dargo and have it all pencilled in so i need reports soon when you go...