Wednesday, Jan 05, 2005 at 22:44
Hi 80seriesrule
Its great to see you are thinking of joining, it is a nice gesture if you do.
Apart from the monetary and other reasons Juliana explains below, I personally dont know where else you would get the depth of information you can recieve from this site for free.
ExplorOz may not be perfect.
Is anything free perfect?
(Ahhh Yes - that Kayak trip I did down the
Noosa River last week was perfect and free!! - hmmm)
If you havnt yet explored the site thoroughly
Check for out for free our fuel prices - trek notes and fuel consumption figures for most
treks in Australia (Trip Planning Vehicle Requirements and Business Search engine.) - . Ive done trips I normally would put in the too hard basket logistically, but did them because all the info I needed was on the site.
You would be supporting the site - improvments, new features and research of offroad options. Saves you from doing it yourself by trial and error.
Becoming a member is also saying you support this site and the work it does. Staying a member helps ensure it stays the best site of its kind in Australia. (
Check out our site stats - we are consistantly in the top 10 sites in Australia in its categories. In our
shop we are Number 3 in Australia - so if you buy maps and books on the web you'll love the
We have all come to accept the web a a great free resource and it should be so, however I think its obvious that this site is a great asset to offroading and a major cost saver for anybody planning to explore any part of Australia.
Becoming members will only make it get better and better.
When you consider the site gets 15 million hits per month from Australia and overseas - you realise how popular it is - Explor Oz is only in its infancy so lets look to what is possible for the future - the community and culture it fosters,- where is all that heading? -- (and we havn't even been on National TV yet).
Also consider
the gap that would be there if the site didnt exist..............{:-(
The best endorsments are from those who have posted below.
hope this helps provide another perspective.