Booking ahead in Cape York?

Submitted: Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005 at 17:44
ThreadID: 19763 Views:2124 Replies:3 FollowUps:1
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Hello all,

We're planning on heading to Cape York in August. With the number of people travelling there nowadays, do we have to book to get in anywhere? We'll be going to the usual tourist haunts as well as trying to find some quiet camping spots away from it all. Any hints will be appreciated.
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Reply By: Dodgy - Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005 at 21:17

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005 at 21:17
Hey there Ferris.. we are planning the same trip at the same time so it will be interesting to read the responses.. I haven't heard of any probs with bookings at that time of year but we will eventually see huh.. we plan to leave from Brisbane on the 1st of august for 4 weeks and travelling with 3 other couples in their 4x4's and campers.. The only concernes we have is the alcahol situation as we were hoping to toast our trip at the very top.. Our trip has been in the pipeline for 3 years now so it would be dissapointing not to have a beer there.. Anyway we might get to have one there with you pal..

Keep your whistle wet and your powder dry.. Dodgy..
AnswerID: 94884

Reply By: petza - Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005 at 22:13

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005 at 22:13
hi ferris and dodgy, we went up same time last year and never had any problems with no bookings. and the alcohol part wasn't a problem ether, as long as you follow the rules you can't get into trouble, we went quite a bit of it let me tell you. had a absolute ball, fantastic time. hope you both have a great trip. we stayed in Archer river camp grounds, Weipa camp grounds, and loyalty beach. never booked, and there is a lot of free camp spots as well. beautiful place to be up there.
AnswerID: 94898

Reply By: Richard & Leonie - Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005 at 22:19

Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005 at 22:19
We were at the top end in July and Bamaga was wall to wall campers. This I would suggest is the only area you might have a problem. We stayed at Umagico camp ground which was virtually empty but very much run down. We were told council had applied for funds to do it up. Check with the council. Everywhere else on the way up was busy but not overcrowded. Stop at Bramwell Station. The campground is good if a little noisy until the genny goes off but the people are great and the tucker good. The owners are lovely people and the wife is a real good looker. "Bang" Sorry dear not as good as you, whimper whimper. We were with Cape York Connections (g'day Eric) and they seemed to know all the secret spots where no one else went to. Have a great trip. We did.
AnswerID: 94901

Follow Up By: ferris - Wednesday, Jan 26, 2005 at 13:30

Wednesday, Jan 26, 2005 at 13:30
Hi guys, thanks for the replies, sets my mind at ease. I would hate to drive all that way and find we need to book ahead. The other thing I hate is driving to a schedule, so who cares if we take an extra week to get there! Dodgy - hope to see you up there somewhere. We hope to leave at the end of July and spend about 6 weeks in the Cape, with another family. No doubt we'll cross paths. As for the alcohol, I reckon if I'm discreet it shouldn't be a problem, we'll be dry were we have to be and fill up at the next pub. Keep the shiny side up....Ferris.
FollowupID: 353834

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