SIDS event for Kids.

Submitted: Friday, Jan 28, 2005 at 21:03
ThreadID: 19870 Views:2715 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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Just a quick plug for the SIDS (Sudden Infants Death Syndrome) 4wd runs.

A great way to raise money for a very worthwhile mob, whether you're into 2wd , motorbike or 4wd trips. The donation is tax deductable, cost of food and frivolity isn't. I can highly recommend the people involved with these events.

Vehicle Requirements:

1. 4WD vehicle - mechanically sound (no landys, toyotas, or garbocans :P)
2. Two spare tyres
3. Snatch-strap
4. Comprehensive insurance details
5. UHF Radio
6. Dust light on the rear of the vehicle.

Due to remoteness, please carry supply of drinks. The cost will be a minimum donation of $2,500 per car.

The net proceeds of this event go to SIDS and Kids Queensland.

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