Western NSW

Submitted: Friday, Feb 11, 2005 at 16:54
ThreadID: 20346 Views:2374 Replies:6 FollowUps:1
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We are caravanning to SA from New England NSW in May via Bourke, Broken Hill etc. but have been told - 1. Don't think of stopping in Wilcannia and 2. Don't stop in Bourke C/Ps, stop at North Bourke Kidman Park CP. Any comments and are there any other places to be careful of? Collarenebri? Walgett? Brewarrina?
Many thanks, Billv
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Reply By: rihearn - Friday, Feb 11, 2005 at 17:09

Friday, Feb 11, 2005 at 17:09
My line of work frequently takes my colleagues or I to places like Bourke, Brewarrina or Walgett.
I myself haven't been to any of the above but my colleagues say Brewarinna and Walgett are not really places you'd want to spend any amount of time in or around.
I've not been to any of the Western NSW towns myself as yet but it's only a matter of time!
AnswerID: 97880

Reply By: Vince NSW - Friday, Feb 11, 2005 at 17:19

Friday, Feb 11, 2005 at 17:19
From an ex New England Boy.
Did a trip in june 2003 to Burke and then down the river to Wilcannia and White Cliffs.
Spent 2 nights in the Bourke Caravan park without an probs. Sent 4 nights camped on the side of the river 80 km south west of Bourke. Was only going to be 2 nights but it rained and we sat it out till the road dried out. Again no worries.
Willicannia was another matter. We stayed overnight in the motel as it was Thursday night and the streets were littered with bodies and empty cans.
As fpr other towns Brew & Walgett, I have not been there for over 10 years, so no Help.

Hope this helps
AnswerID: 97889

Reply By: Peter Guy - Friday, Feb 11, 2005 at 17:20

Friday, Feb 11, 2005 at 17:20
We passed through those towns 14 months ago and yes Bourke, Wilcannia and Walgett are places you wouldn't want to leave your vehicle unattended for too long! However if in Bouke around set up camp time, drive the short hop out to White Cliffs - great place, freindly and a good caravan park. If in Walgett at that time stay at the caravan park at the back of the town behind the stock yards. Private property, secure, friendly and reasonable facilities.
There are lots of historic buildings and river landings to see and it is a real pity the towns have deteriorated to the exrent they are at present.
AnswerID: 97890

Follow Up By: Disco_Inferno - Friday, Feb 11, 2005 at 18:33

Friday, Feb 11, 2005 at 18:33
What a load of nonsense. I have been working in Bourke and Walgett during this year and there is nothing wrong with either place.

In Bourke have free camped next to the river in different places, never found any rubbish around the area. Bourke has some lovely buildings and interesting things to see.

Brewarrina never really stopped there, so cannot really comment. However I will say, it does not look the best. I did go and have a look at the weir and there was broken glass and rubbish everywhere. Town could do with a serious clean-up.

Walgett is particularly peaceful and again camped at the river and weir, park on the southern side of town, shopped in and walked around the town around probably min 10 days this year.

Wilcannia is lawless and a damn disgrace the state government has let it get that way.

I would suggest you keep your car locked and general prudence to security should be observed. Be friendly with people and treat them as you would like to be treated and suggest you will have no issues.
FollowupID: 356445

Reply By: tessa_51 - Saturday, Feb 12, 2005 at 04:54

Saturday, Feb 12, 2005 at 04:54
1. Wilcannia - scary - but only about an hour's drive to White Cliffs on a bitumen road. I wouldn't even fill up with petrol at Wilcannia. 2. Bourke - not a problem - a nice town to visit these days. Their problems are well behind them Nothing wrong with the caravan parks, but, the North Bourke van park is the best of them. 3 Collarenebri no problems, Walgett and Brewarrina have an indigenous problem, not as bad as Wilcannia, but I wouldn't stay in either of them unless I had no choice.

I think Peter Guy above has confused Bourke and Wilcannia , I wouldn't like to drive from Bourke to White Cliffs for alternative accommodation. The only bitumen road would take5 or 6 hours.


AnswerID: 97980

Reply By: Billv - Sunday, Feb 13, 2005 at 20:18

Sunday, Feb 13, 2005 at 20:18
Many thanks for the information. Tessa, you mentioned Colly. I know it's a very small place, I've been there , but I can't find any reference to a caravan park lin the NRMA book or in CampsAustralialwide. Otherwise we were thinking of staying at Moree, then Bourke, then White Cliffs, then Broken Hill. Again, many thanks.
AnswerID: 98183

Reply By: Member - Mungo Explorer (NSW) - Sunday, Feb 13, 2005 at 20:58

Sunday, Feb 13, 2005 at 20:58
I've been to Wilcannia lots of times, indeed I always make a point of stopping there for some petrol and some shopping, though I've never (yet) stayed overnight. Always talk to the locals who are friendly in the main, although it's true that the situation can get a bit tense on certain days of the months when there's money for grog. The "dangers" of Wilcannia (and Brewarrina etc) are much exaggerated: poverty will create problems of petty crime and alcoholism, but that applies to certain suburbs of Sydney (and not just Redfern) too. In my experience - and I often travel to Aboriginal communities - being fearful and apprehensive is the worst thing to do: keep your wits about you by all means, but if you treat people like human beings they'll usually return the favour. People speeding through with their windows tightly shut will just make things worse.
AnswerID: 98195

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