Thursday, Sep 26, 2002 at 00:00
Bill, there are 750 UHF repeaters in Australia. Who cares about the
repeaters in the Australian Capital cities (about 150). There are about 600 UHF repeaters in the outback doing a fantastic job
for the loacl community, truckies and 4WDrivers. People in the outback of Australia do use the UHF because there is NO or little
Mobile coverage. Who is using 27 Mhz when travelling? what 27 Mhz anyway, SBS/U/D, full? 5 watts, 25 watts? We are in 2002 an
4WDrivers are still using 27 Mhz. I have NOT seen ONE trucky using a 27 Mhz in the outback. This include road train and
other big rigg. For 4WDrivers 27 Mhz 5 watts CB is part of the dinausor. Good to see Nigel spelling out the correct legislation rather than
the usual hear-say rubbish posted by some people.
Nigel Excellenta dn current techncial explanation. Cheers Guy.