Thursday, Feb 17, 2005 at 16:37
My contribution:
PROBLEMS: 2-fold.
1. DRIVERS - peceived to be selfish, uncaring and dangerous (Remember, it's perception and not reality that counts).
2. VEHICLES - preceived to be dangerous, unnecessary and bad for the economy.
HOW TO FIX: The only way to address the problem 4wd owners and their vehicles currently face is by positive publicity. This can be done a heap of ways which I've listed later, but it MUST be positive stories and press. The complication will be that for every "superhero", they'll show an arrogant 4wd driver cutting someone off. Blockades are DEFINATELY OUT.
ADDRESSING THE ARGUMENTS: We must tackle the arguments head on and isolate, explain and defuse. It's like all other complaints, but on a grander scale. When they say "All 4wd owners are inconsiderate" this should be easy to difuse. Ask them if they KNOW any 4wd owners. Have they ever been in a 4wd, etc, etc. It NEVER works to simply say "that's not true". We need to demonstrate that their arguments just aren't credible and have no basis of fact.
WHOM: OK, this is the tricky bit. It needs to be a group with credibility as well as skill. I'm fairly new at 4wd'ing so don't know whom is who. Is there a National owners group or lobby group? Motor companies, credible magazines like Wheels are also worth a go etc.
1. Clean ups are excellent ONLY IF PEOPLE KNOW WE DO IT!!!!! I've seen quite a few photos of clubs that show how much rubbish they have collected. These should be in mainstream press, not club forums. ALSO, the benefits to ordinary people need to be explained. It's pretty easy. For example: "We removed 3.5 tonnes of scrap metal and rubbish from the Mennai National Park today, which will significantly reduce the amount of heavy metals that will leach into the
Sydney water supply." There you go, 12 second sound grab and you show a 4wd next to a pile of crap and you just shown that a 4wd owner has improved water quality in
Sydney. The press will print and show that. They WON'T print, "Today we cleaned up the 4wd track meaning that all 4wd's can now get further into the bush." Subtle but important difference.
2. Toy drives and fund raisers are excellent again only if people know about the benefits to ordinary people and also so long as it doesn't look like it's just for show.
3. Planting trees, erecting
forrest signs, fire trail maintenance etc. Again, all great so long as ordinary people see the benefit. What about helping out the local fire brigade by helping keep their fire trails clear of branches?
EVERYONE CAN DO SOMETHING: I'm probably going to get some flac for this, but everyone can help change the perception of 4wd's by doing something positive. When you're in traffic and someone indicates, ALWAYS let them in. No big effort required. Whether you think this is required or is fair or whatever is IRRELEVANT. As long as the general perception stays as 70% of people think 4wd drivers are arrogant, we will never win an argument. Unfortunately, it is simply the case that you have to be that extra bit nicer to be perceived as normal.
SUMMARY: I've started putting together some facts about the arguments from the
forum here and from other sources. I'll also be valdating some of the stuff with the relevant agencies etc. If someone can point me at lobby groups or interest groups that would be of help or would be interested in promoting, I would be most appreciative.
Finally, you have to remember that 1 in 4 cars sold today is a 4wd. The FORD TERRITORY is the Wheels Car of the Year for God's sake. There is a massive recreational, 4wd movement out there that isn't about to be smothered. We just need to get some perspective and balance into this argument. Also remember that the Media are cheap, unloyal *&^% ( a word I can't print). They'd be JUST as happy showing good 4wd stories if they are newsworthy.
Sorry for the long e-mail, this has really started to get on my nerves. I'm sick and tired of reading or watching lies get spread with no even a whimper for 20% of the
Stay safe,
Follow Up By: hoyks - Thursday, Feb 17, 2005 at 16:47
Thursday, Feb 17, 2005 at 16:47
Smocky, good points and to save me typing it again, do you mind if I cut this and post it on other 4wd sites?
Follow Up By: Member - Smocky (NSW) - Thursday, Feb 17, 2005 at 16:59
Thursday, Feb 17, 2005 at 16:59
I'd be thankful if you did. I respect everyone here and don't want to be seen criticising people I don't know, but if any of you post here complaining how much you hate all the criticism on the telly and then DON'T let that next driver in, you are a hypocrite yourself.
One fired-up Smocky.
Follow Up By: Skinny- Friday, Feb 18, 2005 at 15:11
Friday, Feb 18, 2005 at 15:11
Great advice Smocky, suggest you keep us posted.
Also no one looks at the issue of things like: how long most of us keep say a diesel 4x4 and the cost of making it (enviromental etc) compared with the throwaway four cylinder tiny toys they are making for around town. Iwould like to ask why we continue to build cars that can do 200km/h and drive them at 35km/h bumper to bumper. Surely we would be better with 6 people in a cruiser than one in a mini. Do the math.
Also we need to ask how we can carry large amounts of equipment in the rice bubbles on wheels.
I personally think most pedestrains would go under a four wheel drive with less damage than being scouped along by a little low speeding matchbox car.
Anyway thanks for the long well thought out post.