Hot topics
Submitted: Tuesday, Oct 08, 2002 at 00:00
This Thread has been Archived
Axel + Karen
Just wondering when we can expect the hot topics to be updated,,have been waiting for long long time,,,,
Reply By: ExplorOz Team - David - Tuesday, Oct 08, 2002 at 00:00
Tuesday, Oct 08, 2002 at 00:00
Yes,The Hot Topics are very much on the schedule but as you must be able to understand the site is a lot of work for just two and a half people. Michelle has been trying to get our treknotes updated and today just complete two more. Now she is off to
Sydney for a week, coupled with our Federal Government (National Off Road Database poject) and the road conditions, etc etc. We have been unable to get the next round release yet. However, We are working on a few that should be released before XMAS I think they are Tyres and Showers & Hygene. Yes tyres (do we want to open this can of worms
well we think it is worth a try).I say I think because this is really Michelle's bag not
mine.We have also been trying to get businesses to list (for free even) in the 4WD Search engine (previously the business directory). All these jobs and lack of funding seem to slow us down but we are activley working on it however the treknotes must be completed first (some of the notes we have are from our trip 1.5years ago and they are still not loaded).Thanks for the prompting but be assured they are coming ASAP.David