Wow what a great response to my road etc comments! We have been away hence have not been on this wet season, we looked after a friends house while they went away. Enjoyed seeing the southern half but to cold for me !
To answer all the questions and comments.
Ruth, was looking forward to meeting you ! Might have known we'd both be on holidays at the same time. Presume the chap from the pub gave you the hello card I left ?
Peter, Pentecost is easy to cross now. Wasn't even to top of the wheels, we did it two days ago ( on a special residents only permit ) The Durack was even lower. The Gibb wasn't flowing at all and I have been told the Hann isn't either and the Barnett is also very low.The
Drysdale River is also very low at the crossing.
It was 2.30 am our time & I was up late trying to finish the text for a new combined flyer that the
places along the road are sharing in.
Stuart, From the cyclone
Kalumburu got over 400mm, Theda station got 360mm, Doongan station got 140 mm, Drysdale got 98 mm, Mt Elizabeth got 11 mm, Mt Barnett got nil.
So you can see how quickly the rain amounts dropped away from the center of the cyclone. It then swung away from us and headed right over ELQ.
Beatit, No not really enough water for the cattle, no problem right now but will be Sept - Oct onwards if no more rain. Never know might get ' winter rain' happens about once every 7 years on average. Being away hadn't heard about the
Kalumburu shop but if correct it won't be the first time. Five hundred people can't live there without a
shop, I'd take bets that it is already going again and if not soon will be.
Check before you leave the last town.
Indy, not sure what you mean by ' worth going' but unless we get lots more rain I can't see a problem. Was talking to the Kulumburu Mission today and they are all running about cleaning up but there was no mention made of it not being business as usual for the season. I didn't actually ask but I think they would have said if it was a long term problem.
Speaking of more rain it's quite hot again today and looks like the thunderheads are brewing up. No major lows on the weather map at present but we may at least still get some more good showers, both the cattle and the waterfalls will benifit from more.
cheers, Anne