Gibb River / Kal road question answers

Submitted: Monday, Apr 04, 2005 at 17:32
ThreadID: 21778 Views:2831 Replies:5 FollowUps:10
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Wow what a great response to my road etc comments! We have been away hence have not been on this wet season, we looked after a friends house while they went away. Enjoyed seeing the southern half but to cold for me !
To answer all the questions and comments.
Ruth, was looking forward to meeting you ! Might have known we'd both be on holidays at the same time. Presume the chap from the pub gave you the hello card I left ?
Peter, Pentecost is easy to cross now. Wasn't even to top of the wheels, we did it two days ago ( on a special residents only permit ) The Durack was even lower. The Gibb wasn't flowing at all and I have been told the Hann isn't either and the Barnett is also very low.The Drysdale River is also very low at the crossing.
It was 2.30 am our time & I was up late trying to finish the text for a new combined flyer that the places along the road are sharing in.
Stuart, From the cyclone Kalumburu got over 400mm, Theda station got 360mm, Doongan station got 140 mm, Drysdale got 98 mm, Mt Elizabeth got 11 mm, Mt Barnett got nil.
So you can see how quickly the rain amounts dropped away from the center of the cyclone. It then swung away from us and headed right over ELQ.
Beatit, No not really enough water for the cattle, no problem right now but will be Sept - Oct onwards if no more rain. Never know might get ' winter rain' happens about once every 7 years on average. Being away hadn't heard about the Kalumburu shop but if correct it won't be the first time. Five hundred people can't live there without a shop, I'd take bets that it is already going again and if not soon will be. Check before you leave the last town.
Indy, not sure what you mean by ' worth going' but unless we get lots more rain I can't see a problem. Was talking to the Kulumburu Mission today and they are all running about cleaning up but there was no mention made of it not being business as usual for the season. I didn't actually ask but I think they would have said if it was a long term problem.

Speaking of more rain it's quite hot again today and looks like the thunderheads are brewing up. No major lows on the weather map at present but we may at least still get some more good showers, both the cattle and the waterfalls will benifit from more.
cheers, Anne
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Reply By: Jolly - Monday, Apr 04, 2005 at 17:41

Monday, Apr 04, 2005 at 17:41
Hi Anne...

Live in Broome and was looking at heading up to spend a few days with Norm and Toni out at Ellenbrae....Looking at leaving Thursday if possible.
Sent an email to a mate at MRWA (Bryan Bannon) asking when the road from Mt Barnett through to the Pentecost looks like opening but have not heard anything back, Was wondering if you had heard anything regarding when the road may be open...??

Thanks mate,
AnswerID: 105116

Follow Up By: Anne from Drysdale River Station - Monday, Apr 04, 2005 at 18:00

Monday, Apr 04, 2005 at 18:00
Don't like the chances at all Josh. They won't open legally till grader has been through and where the graders are now coming from both ends I can't see they have any chance at all of meeting in the center to cover opening the section to Ellenbrea by Thursday. Last I head was possible about the 12 th it might be open but depends on graders and or further rain.
You need to talk to main roads not me,cheers Anne
FollowupID: 362277

Follow Up By: Member - Anni M (SA) - Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 08:48

Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 08:48
Hi Josh,

This is not on the subject, but I'm interested to hear that there is an ExplorOzer in Broome. We are moving up there in July! I've got a job and we have bought a house. Can't wait! It would be fun to meet up with you when we get there.

FollowupID: 362331

Follow Up By: Jolly - Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 10:46

Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 10:46

No problems mate....Am heading down to Perth in July for 4 weeks...Getting rid of the troopy and getting a 80 sreies...Need a bit more comfort in my old age..
I work away a fair bit...(Work up at a nickel mine north of Halls Creek)
but am allways keen to get out and about when back in town...
Heading up the Gibb Road hopefully on Thursday to visit some friends who are up at Ellenbrae station...Have not been up there for a few years so looking forward to it..
Where are you guy's from...What will you be doing once in Broome...
My email address is..

FollowupID: 362345

Follow Up By: Jolly - Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 10:48

Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 10:48

Got a email back from Bryan Bannon at Main Roads in Derby..
Look like opening the road from Mt Barnett to the Pentecost on Thursday if there's no more rain..

FollowupID: 362347

Follow Up By: Member - Davoe (WA) - Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 14:26

Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 14:26
Hey Jolly is there any jobs going at Sally Malley for underground/pit techniians. I applied when it first was opening but didnt hear back. I really liked the idea of doing dido from Kunnanurra or likewise
FollowupID: 362377

Follow Up By: Jolly - Saturday, Apr 16, 2005 at 20:11

Saturday, Apr 16, 2005 at 20:11

Sorry for the delay, Have been of for a while. Not sure if they are looking for people in your line of work, I work in the mill so don't have a great deal to do with them mob, In regards to drive in/out from Kununurra they are not real keen on that, They would probably make you take the greyhound bus.
The open pit is contracted out to Roche and Sally Malay are doing there own U/G.
At present all positions are fly in/out from Broome or Darwin.
They do not have a human resources dept at this stage but will give you the number of a some people who may be able to help you out.

Roche Mining Office 91 678 171
Sue martin-Training Coordinator
Les Fitzpatrick-Shift Pit Supervisor
Ron Inall-Shift Pit Supervisor
Steve Thompson-Shift Pit Supervisor

Sally Malay Mining 91 678 112
Terry Strong-Mining Manager Ext 304
Buffy Davies-Mine engineer Ext 309
Dale Roberts-Pit Tech Ext 316

Some of these people should be able to point you in the right direction,
FollowupID: 364027

Reply By: Paul from Ozroamer Camper Trailers (Hire & Sales) - Monday, Apr 04, 2005 at 18:37

Monday, Apr 04, 2005 at 18:37
Great report Anne.

Nice to get the news from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

Hope the season is good to you.

AnswerID: 105131

Follow Up By: Anne from Drysdale River Station - Wednesday, Apr 06, 2005 at 04:36

Wednesday, Apr 06, 2005 at 04:36
Thanks Paul,
Think it's caught us short with the wet finishing so sudden and early. If they do open the road in a matter of days, I'm in trouble as have no staff yet, so much work to clean it all up after closed down for 5 months, the frogs etc have a ball over the wet, just wish they wouldn't leave so much mess ! We have to wash every wall to get it to look good again. So hard to be ready for an unknown start date that can be anywhere between 1 st April and start of June, last thing you want is all staff early then road opens late, mind you it's not much fun when it's reversed either.
I guess we'll muddle through, we normally do.
cheers, Anne
FollowupID: 362471

Reply By: Ruth from Birdsville Caravan Park - Monday, Apr 04, 2005 at 18:49

Monday, Apr 04, 2005 at 18:49
Anne, no, can't believe we missed you!!!! and no, haven't got the card. Will chase that up - probably still sitting wherever he put it.
Timely road conditions - bloke in this afternoon from Perth who is going homevia the GRR (he hopes) so told him that I would print your report out for him - and have just done so. Thanks.
AnswerID: 105133

Follow Up By: Anne from Drysdale River Station - Monday, Apr 04, 2005 at 23:21

Monday, Apr 04, 2005 at 23:21
Hi Ruth,
We didn't have long to spare were heading down south to look after the friends place but couldn't resist the chance to pass through Birdsville, never been there before. Arrived and went to the pub for lunch and asked after you while there, chap said he knew you well, both on something ? committe together. I have forgotten what. He told me you were away, if you had been around we may have stayed the night, as you wern't we decided to move on. One day I wouldn't mind having a decent look around but the time to do it is when we can't leave here.
Anyway I won't forget Birdsville, we pulled up and I opened the door of the car, the GALE was that strong it ripped the door from my hand and slamed it past the proper opening point ! Dinted the two edges just a little ( first dint on this toyota) and did damage inside the door so a bit later the window fell out of the runner and wouldn't move from half up. Roadside repair job, so handy to have a wonderful hubby who can fix most things.
Yes, I was very sorry to miss you also, cheers Anne
FollowupID: 362318

Reply By: greydemon - Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 16:41

Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 16:41
Hi Anne,

You don't know me from a bar of soap but just wanted to mention the great memories that your picture of the bar bring back. We were up your way a couple of years ago on the way to Mitchell Falls, your place was a welcome oasis, especially on the way back when we had been without beer for some time!

On the way from the Falls, on the Kalumbaru road, we drove past a bushfire which had dropped a couple of trees across the road. A couple of kilometres later my concience got the better of me and we turned round, went back, and towed them off the road. For my pains we then ran out of fuel just as we turned into your drive! We had some more on board but of course we had to unpack most of the trailer to get at it - we were sure when packing that it woudn't be needed ! The beer was welcome when we arrived. The nearest equivalent feeling was reaching Carnegie station after an extended spell of bush camping, we had our own beer then but to camp on grass and have a hot shower was pure luxury.

Best wishes to all of you up there, hope you have a good tourist season.

AnswerID: 105281

Follow Up By: Anne from Drysdale River Station - Wednesday, Apr 06, 2005 at 04:48

Wednesday, Apr 06, 2005 at 04:48
So glad you enjoyed it here. Of course the cold beer does make a difference, we even got a new and bigger bar fridge last year because the old one was on the way out and Kimberley Kool just isn't the same !
If you read our visitors book the nice new camping abultion block (with washing machines ) are usually the women's number one, the beer is normally the blokes.
You were a kind person to pull off the trees, you probably saved hundreds of people slowing down to go round them ( or running into them)
Bet you cursed your consience when the fuel ran out !!!!
cheers, Anne
FollowupID: 362472

Reply By: Ruth from Birdsville Caravan Park - Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 19:22

Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 19:22
Anne, what a memorable trip to Birdsville! You are lucky (like me) to have a husband who can do a 'cobb & co' when necessary. Know what you mean about the gale blowing outside the Pub. You description fits Paul and we are on the Ambulance Committee together - he's the new El Presidente and I'm the Secretary (he's not trained yet!!!) LOL. The dust storm stopped overnight thank goodness, and weather 18 - 34 light SSE wind. Very very dry - no chance of rain. Cattle not so good now. Hope to get up your way in the next couple of years! Talk to you soon. Sorry, still laughing at your misfortune. LOL.
AnswerID: 105309

Follow Up By: Anne from Drysdale River Station - Wednesday, Apr 06, 2005 at 04:53

Wednesday, Apr 06, 2005 at 04:53
Ruth, Make sure you do what I didn't and tell me when you are comming. Mind you we didn't decide one way or the other which road to take till we got to each junction. With only one road near us you won't have that many choices !
cheers, Anne
FollowupID: 362473

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