Bogged 4wd rescuer, funny but wierd
Submitted: Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 18:41
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On the weekend, we were at a huge 4wd beach in
sydney (you might now
the beach i´m talking about), and guess what? an asian bogged in a pretty scary "don´t move or roll" situation waiting for
the beach patrol to get him out. 5 mins. later he arrives, happened to be that the rescuer wasn´t a beach patrol, just some guy that made a living out of unbogging cars, this guy charged the asian $330 bucks to pull his car 50mts from where he was. (I still wonder where he got the number from) After 30mins negot. the guy puts hands on the job.
Ok, where is the funny bit? you might be asking yourself.
Here it goes, the rescuer got bogged himself jajajajajajajaja, so, as nice people we are, we offered to pull the rescuer out of his embarrassing situation, (been nice once in a day doesn´t hurt) Now... who was the real rescuer then?
Talking business... in this case, don´t we deserve part of that load of money? It´s not that we were after money, we were absolutly not, but nobody offered. :-)
Anyway, where have you ever seen that you pay to get unbogged by just snatch-straping/winching (unless it involves a movie kind of rescue), we have never charged people to give them a hand to get going. That is what we are all there for, give each other a hand, while you are travelling, having a day out or whatever you´re doing.
What would´ve you guys done?
Reply By: Member - Tim - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 18:49
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 18:49
I would have gone to the stuck guy and told him that there were any number of people there who would pull him out for free if he just asked nicely. I would also have told the "rescuer" who got stuck that the only way you were going to pull him out was if he gave the money back to the other guy. Otherwise disconnect the strap, put your own on the stuck guy, pull him out and leave the resuer there :).
That's a rip off if ever I heard of one.
Follow Up By: udm - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 18:56
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 18:56
Everthing happened so quick, we also though it was beach patrol that was gonna pull him (for free I assumed), that´s why we didn´t get into it.
Follow Up By: udm - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 19:03
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 19:03
I forgot to mention... I´ve never heard of these guys before, probably they do exist, so that´s also why I didn´t do much about it.
Reply By: KiwiAngler - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 18:50
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 18:50
Charged him $330. He is obviously in it for the 'business' so he would have understood (not)
Reply By: Member - iMusty (VIC) - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 19:28
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 19:28
All hands on deck !
A "Don't move or roll" situation is life threatening.
Even if he was a f.wit for getting into that peticular situation. As long as me and my family and property are in no danger, it is my responsibility in this society to place LIFE first and lend a hand.
I would get a f.wit out of harms way and then abuse the F out of him on safe ground later.
If someone was cashing in on a bad situation (which sounds the case). And the Asian was out of harms way, as tempting as it would be I'd be a "sucker" and help them both out.
It all comes back in the end. KARMA.
You didn't miss out on money here, you gained a free ride in the future when you will need it.
Follow Up By: udm - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 19:36
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 19:36
imusty, nobody was in the car when we got there, that might explain a bit. They were sitting on top of the dunes just waiting for this guy to arrive.
Follow Up By: Member - iMusty (VIC) - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 20:03
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 20:03
And the "GUY" DID arrive.
And the "MAN" got him out. Pat YOURSELF on the back.
That's the beauty of KARMA. You REALLY get back what you give.
You can't fool it.
This tow creep is $330.00 richer yes.
BUT for what?
Somewhere, somehow, someone's gonna stich him up the same. WORSE. Just when he's down an out, someone's gonna kick him in the guts an it's gonna bleed bad.
That's my sermon today folks, thanks for listening. Forward cheques to...
Reply By: Footloose - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 19:29
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 19:29
Those people are vultures. I've met them hanging around river crossings on the Cape, and disguised as farmers with tractors.
I've lost track of the number of people who I've helped...doesn't matter because I've also lost track of the number who've helped me.
Just try and remember that most people aren't vultures.
And for those who are, what goes around comes around :))
Reply By: Wisey (NSW) - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 20:16
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 20:16
helping out others where you can is good karma, I do and if there is sufficent effort on my part I'll sometimes ask for a donation to the RFDS, RFS or SES etc. I've helped them and they help the RFDS etc via getting themselves stuck. What comes around goes around. The "rescuer" should have offered you a cut, maybe a good person like yourself won't be around next time.
Follow Up By: Member - iMusty (VIC) - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 20:33
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 20:33
Reply By: Member Eric - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 21:44
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 21:44
Cut the snack strap , make sure money is returned , pull out Asian fellow , leave rescuer there .
Follow Up By: Toy_Hilux - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 21:59
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 21:59
Could go one better and charge the rescuer double. That way the asian gets his back and you make $330 for charity.
But thats in hindsight. Maybe next time!
Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 22:32
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 22:32
have done similar on
boat harbour beach... we had an old HT holden we used to charge $50 to drag em out, the 4wders hated us as we usually went further than they did...
Reply By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 23:58
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 23:58
There's a guy in
Perth that does that, but I think he's running a genuine business. I don't think he waits around like a tow truck for them to get bogged, he's got signs up on the entry's to a lot of the beachs/dunes north of
perth with a phone number for "4wd recovery". I spose handy for all those people that go down that way by themselves without checking the tides etc. I've heard he charges a mean fee, but I don't know the exact amount.
Spose even $500 is better than bye bye $50,000 4wd. Personally I don't drive on those beachs without another vehicle with me, been caught before up that way, can get REAL soft REAL quick.
Follow Up By: muzzgit (WA) - Tuesday, Apr 12, 2005 at 00:47
Tuesday, Apr 12, 2005 at 00:47
The guy that operates around the beaches north of
perth offers a full recovery, including towing to a mechanic if needed. His rig is suitably kitted out to handle most situations and of course he is covered by insurance, hence some of the cost.
I have helped many many people and asked for nothing but a hand shake in return, or maybe a cold drink if it's gonna take a fair bit of effort. Some have offered me money, others have offered me gods blessing, but all have moved on with the knowledge that not all are selfish bastards.
Yep, I probably would have made some comment to this mean spirited bloke to give the money back. Unless he was really really big, then he can do what he likes, sir, yes sir, whatever you say sir.