Perth Auto Expo

Submitted: Tuesday, Apr 26, 2005 at 20:44
ThreadID: 22396 Views:1916 Replies:5 FollowUps:4
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I took myself off to the Perth auto expo last Friday , in the hope of finding something to replace or add to the 4x4 stable. I currently have a RV6 4 Runner and with the advice from other members on this forum have sorted out all of the suspension problems, not to mention a broken camshaft belt. That hurt the pocket big time, but at least its fixed.

I couldnt find a company representative on any of the stands, and it wasnt for lack of looking and trying. Plenty of dressed to kill females spruiking their rehearsed blurb, but where were the reprentatives????. In the end after three hours I left totally fed up. I particualry was interested in the new HiLux. What a let down.Toyota has lost the plot and caved in to the American market.

The Kluger - YUK !!! I wrote to Toyota Australia about the possibilities of getting the Toyota 4Runner from the USA to fill a void in the mid size 4x4 market. Its a superb vehicle having been to Seattle and driven in one.Toyotas response to my query wasnothing short of down right rudeness. Oh well the 4Runner will have to last another 10 years. Dont want a Landcruiser- if I wanted a tank ,I would have bought one from the Army, same goes for the Patrol

Any manufacturer that can fill the void with a part time 4x4 in the mould of the 4Runner will be onto a winner. As yet I have to find one..Maybe get a 4Runner from the states and convert to RHD. Nuff said !!!!
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Reply By: trendy - Tuesday, Apr 26, 2005 at 21:16

Tuesday, Apr 26, 2005 at 21:16
maybe check out the new pathfider I had a 94 model and it was a superb vehicle very underrated. I haven't seen the new pathy in real life but from mags it may be worth a look. good luck and happy hunting.
regards trev.
AnswerID: 108317

Reply By: Member - Hugh (WA) - Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 00:00

Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 00:00
I was hoping to get to the show myself but spent the weekend at a mates farm. Seems like I didn't miss much.

I am interested in the new Pathfinder (sneek preview on Nissan website) which is due out in July. Did they have any of these on display? If so, then interested to know your thoughts. Look to be quite a bit bigger than current Pathy and with 7 seats keeps the boss happy. IFS and IRS, so like the Pajero except built on a ladder chassis. Specs, etc look quite good.

AnswerID: 108361

Follow Up By: 4runner - Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 01:00

Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 01:00
Hi Hugh.

Thanks for the response and all the others that have taken the time to reply. I to am member of AllTracks4x4 Club.. The Nissan stand was bleak to say the least. One Patrol ( man transmisssion ) basic model, a few x trails a couple of Pulsars,but I dont recall seing the Pathfinder. I`ve read very good reports about the Pathy and I believe its a very underated vehicle. 3.0 ltre V6 - one of the best in the business and quite comfortable the last time I drove one a couple of years ago.The only down side from what I have read in some of the 4x4 mags is the electronic/hydraulic switch on the dashboard. They had a habit of jamming in any gear that takes its fancy and often it would jam in neutral. But that problem has been rectified. A full ladder chassis is a must for serious off road work. One vehicle that has taken my fancy for a few years is the Mitsubishi Challenger. Identical to the 4Runner in every respect. Challenger goes out of production at then of this year. Rumour has it that the Mitsubishi Triton will come out in wagon form later next year. I`ll believe it when I see it.

Last All Tacks Club meet went through the Mundaring hills at night. That was an intersting evening. Came round a bend to be confronted by two very aggro coppers and a paddy wagon with a blue Commodore or Camry backed into the bushes. From what little info we got it appeared that some guy blew his brains out. The coppers were in no mood to argue with , so got the hell out of there fast and came out at the Mundaring Weir.Put a damper on the evening, so we all went our separate ways. Will have a look at the Nisan website. Cheers mate
FollowupID: 365116

Reply By: warnsey - Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 11:02

Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 11:02
I saw the new Pathy it was the gold one on a turntable.

Could only get a look at the exterior around current size but a little taller Looks fairly blocky but I presume it wasn't Aussie Spec being Left Hand Drive.

I have been told by Nissan they are due on the June Ship and should be in dealers around 22/6.

Personally I am very interested in the Diesel with a view to trading my wife’s xtrail for something a bit bigger. Presuming 4 X 4 Australia's price estimates of low to mid $40's for an "ST" looks like it might be a competitive package.
AnswerID: 108407

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 11:49

Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 11:49
Is the new Pathy going to have a diesel option?? Oooo, now that sounds like a winner!
FollowupID: 365155

Reply By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 11:50

Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 11:50
4runner, have you had a look at the Terrican TD? From all reports a good little beast. bout the same size as our vehicles, good petrol and diesel options, part time 4wd. Might be worth a look!
AnswerID: 108411

Follow Up By: Member - Hugh (WA) - Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 14:53

Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 14:53
Hi Jeff,

The new Pathy will have choice of 4.0 V6 or 2.5 common rail TD, both with option of 5spd auto.

From limited info on the Nissan website it certainly deserves a look when introduced in July.

FollowupID: 365170

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 18:12

Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 18:12
Well, Well... That WILL be interesting, I've always liked the look of the pathy but with no diesel option it was out of my choices.
FollowupID: 365195

Reply By: warnsey - Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 12:08

Wednesday, Apr 27, 2005 at 12:08
Last Month's 4X4 had an article on Diesel Pathy looks impressive on paper more torque than 4.2 TD
AnswerID: 108415

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