i would like to personaly apologise to any one i may have offended with my reply to post 22395.
in my reply i mentioned cleaning a small amount of supoposedly enviromently friendly dishwashing liguid in a river.
while im at it i would also like to plead guilty to the following.
(1)farting aparently methane is bad for the enviroment.
(2)i think i might have scared a little bird while driving i think i got a little close to it on the highway.
(3)driving my 4wd and using petrol to do so.
(4)towing my camper causing me to use more petrol.
(5)i believe i ran in to some bushes while out driving and i must admit i didnt stop to see if they were ok.
(6)i wont name names but didnt stop a certain person(you know who you are)from shining a torch in a possoms direction and posibly shining in its eyes.
(7)i also didnt use the
toilet every time for number ones(i used a tree).
(8)on more than one occastion i believe i stood and and posibly KILLED some bull ants.
(9)i wore clothes that were made in china and probly made by people in sweat shops.
(10)i also used a 2 stoke genny for several hours causing burt 2 stroke fuel into our enviroment
(11)i dont think in fact im sure the loo paper we were using wasnt recycled.
(12)allowed the children to play on the rocks near the river i have been told they might have disturbed some moss.
(13)the eggs we used may have been from a battery
(14)the vegies we ate were posibly sprayed with some chemicals and WERE NOT organic.
(14)how could i forget 14 i flicked a
spider from my t-shirt and only god and the
spider know what damage i could have done to it.i should have seen if it was ok
(15)whilst gathering fire wood i believe we(no other names mention)lifted a log to use and disturbed lots of insects under the log.
(16)i allowed some one to use a chain saw to cut up fire wood allowing burnt 2 stroke fuel into the enviroment.
(17)i also admit to throwing a craft singles plastic wrapper on the fire.
and i am with out doubt guilty of possibly 100s more things and all this was on one weekend.
i can supply any of you greenies who go a little over board over a simple little thing who before you think of getting on your high horses again think about all the little things that you are also possibly quite guilty off your self.my name age sex dob adress and phone number via email to supply to any department you may think will help me stop this enviromental damage that im causing.