4wd poll Sydney Morning Herald

Submitted: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 18:39
ThreadID: 23071 Views:2279 Replies:4 FollowUps:7
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Dear Forum Members,
Forwarding this from the President of 4wd Victoria....

To: All 4WD Club Presidents/Secretaries/Delegates

Dear all

As your Association President I can advise that great store has been placed in blaming the four wheel drive, not the idiot parents, for the death of a child at school in NSW.

The Sydney Morning Herald is running a poll. Please see email from our National President below.

Can you distribute this email to all your email members and ask them to vote no as a matter of priority.

Kind regards,

Michael Coldham

Four Wheel Drive Victoria

PO Box 596

Balwyn North 3104

tel: 03 9857 5209

fax: 03 9857 5260

email: President@fwdvictoria.org.au

Website: www.fwdvictoria.org.au


From: Paul Warner
Sent: Tuesday, 17 May 2005 5:01 PM

Subject: FW: SMH Forum
Importance: High

Please get as many members as possible to vote on the forum regarding this on the Sydney Morning Herald website www.smh.com.au


Paul Warner


Australian National Four Wheel Drive Council Inc.

0419 235 689


-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Kelly
Sent: Tuesday, 17 May 2005 2:15 PM

Subject: SMH Forum


I have just finished several interviews, one in particular for immediate follow up is to be on the Sydney Morning Herald Forum. Make sure you see it and provide input. I am about to drive to Penrith so could Tracy please alert all club execs to have their say. Both Jon Jenkins & I have shared the considerable amount of media work which has hit us today and we now need your support by providing rational input.

See also Channel Seven Sunrise tomorrow, Daily Telegraph and all other media.

Rob K

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Reply By: Utemad - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 18:55

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 18:55
Did you see ACAs report on it tonight. The funniest part was when they interviewed a woman in her 4wd. She said she didn't feel as confident driving it as her last sedan. Couldn't see as much blah bla blah. Tey panned out and she was driing a HONDA CRV ROFLMAO.

They say to ban 4x4s over 2 tonnes. 90% of the video was of CRVs, Tributes etc. So even if this did happen all these vehicles woud still be here.

M favourite one is my Rodeo is the same dimensions as a V6 2wd one yet they want to ban mine (except mne is under 2 tonne)? LOL

Hurry up and vote guys. We're copping a flogging on that poll.
AnswerID: 111670

Follow Up By: Exploder - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 19:35

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 19:35
Why the hell did she buy it if she didn’t feel confident driving it? If you get all scared and nerves driving your own car down the road how are you meant to concentrate on what is going on around you.

Aren’t CRV's renowned for bad rear visibility anyway
FollowupID: 368033

Follow Up By: DiesAl - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 21:10

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 21:10
What about the bloke in the white 2wd (didn't catch what make) giving his 2 cents worth out the window of his car while rolling up the road, yes he would glance back every so often but in my experience around schools you have to stay focused ALL the time not every so often, it was a perfect demonstration of how accidents happen around schools.
FollowupID: 368048

Follow Up By: Terrano Tripper (NSW) - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 at 17:45

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 at 17:45
So you ban 4wds from schools (no unnecessary cars should be in school grounds anyway) but what happens when the school is on a main road - do you have to divert off that road and use the backstreets to prevent being within 200m from a school!
FollowupID: 368184

Reply By: Wombat - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 19:02

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 19:02
" . . . not the idiot parents, for the death of a child . . . "

Such compassion!

Who advises these people on what constitutes good public relations?
AnswerID: 111672

Follow Up By: Joe - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 19:09

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 19:09
Yes Wombat...not a good statement at all
FollowupID: 368030

Follow Up By: Member - Smocky (NSW) - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 20:48

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 20:48
Hmmm. They seemed to have missed an opportunity there.

Instead of arguing against, which they will never win, take away the argument by saying:

We absolutely support no VEHICLES in school grounds where there are children. This child was killed by a VEHICLE ON THE SCHOOL GROUNDS, not on the road or designated drop off zone. We don't know why 4wd's have been singled out when any vehicle could cause such a tragedy.

But I suppose that would be seen as giving in.

I agree too Wombat. I'm a parent and that statement in the e-mail makes MY stomach turn. I don't know why they continue to fuel that us and them argument. Defuse it. 4wd owners and drivers are just like everyone else. ANY vehicle is dangerous if allowed to drive on school grounds when kids are running about. Why simply ban 4wds, when the next tragedy could be a Suburu Outback.

Anyway, just my opinion as usual.
FollowupID: 368043

Follow Up By: John - Qld - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 08:57

Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 08:57
Yes exactly - what hope have we got with that attitude.

As soon as I read it I realised we were in trouble.

FollowupID: 368239

Reply By: porks - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 19:23

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 19:23
Spot on Wombat !!
AnswerID: 111675

Follow Up By: Steve West - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 21:57

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 21:57
Hi guy's
I haven't herd much about this other than some poor little kid got hit ( or what ever ) while in a school yard, but what i do know is, i do the maintanence at a school and from time to time i get caught leaving the grounds during reccess, lunch or even when they're going home.
Sometimes i'm in the 4wd but most of the time i'm in the ute 2wd old as the hills. Visability is realy no different except to the rear.
Common sense has told me that
1/ I never park where i have to reverse out.
2/ I never go faster than approx 5 k's per hour or idle speed.
3/ Every tree or bush that i can not see behind is a stop sign, or forward movement is reduced to a near stall.
Without going into great depth of some of the stupid (childish) things that some of the kids do, It really doesn't matter what sort of vehicle you're in, if great care is not under taken by the driver, someone is sure to get hurt. So many times notices have gone out to all the parents at our school and the pupils themselves have been told to use the school xing when leaving school and not to x the road where the parents are waiting as it is all 45 angle parking which means every car has to reverse out. Pupils even the parents dont heed these warnings. Not knowing the circumstances of the accident, but since the introduction of the motor vehicle how many pupils have been hit at schools, how many were by cars / 4wd / bus / or even the old horse and cart from the so called good old days. These people who report these storys are just after that, a story they dont know how to think and their always wanting to put the blame onto something else other than the person/people who caused the accident. Yes they do need to protect the careless from the careless so i reckon they should find the careless and ban them.
Vehicles dont hurt or kill, it's like eveything it's usually the operator.
Sorry about the long reply
steve w.
FollowupID: 368060

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 21:03

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 21:03
I watched in horror today as one tried to run me over. she had that much trouble seeing out the back of her Pajero, (she looked about no foot nothing high - she looked through the steering wheel!) that she actually crawled up the seat, onto the console to reverse!!!!!

Again, if they keep throwing it, thebleepwill stick eventually
AnswerID: 111692

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