Wednesday, May 18, 2005 at 10:28
I used to drive buses and when doing school runs it was a constant battle to park on the stop because of the "caring" Mums wanting to sit right outside the door to pick the kids up.
What's wrong with
parking a couple of hundred metres away and walking to the school
gate, picking the kids up and then walking back to the car!
Reading this mornings daily rag I see the WA 4WD Association is backing special licences and training for us all! ABSOLUTE CRAP.
What sort of an association is that? Do they really think that will stop the constant whinging and moaning from all who don't have a 4by?
In that case what about a special licence for all vehicles over the size of an Excel then?
Most of the drivers of Excels have licences already and what difference has that made to their driving?
I sometimes feel that if you have a gun you're obviously a homicidal maniac and it's getting the same way about 4 wheel drives, we're selfish bastards who are ruining the planet and obstruct the vision of idiots most of whom shouldn't have a licence in the first place.