Prado 120 Snorkel

Submitted: Wednesday, Jun 29, 2005 at 16:51
ThreadID: 24289 Views:4349 Replies:2 FollowUps:0
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eventually i'll be after a snorkel for my Prado (on the rare occassions i go anywhere near river crossings i currently just carry a length of flexible 2" hose with an adapter to connect to the air filter inlet!!)

does anyone know if anyone is going to release a 'stylish' snorkel for the Prado soon .. something like those airtech ones for the Patrol?
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Reply By: cau53r - Wednesday, Jun 29, 2005 at 20:58

Wednesday, Jun 29, 2005 at 20:58
I have a safari snorkel on my TD - 120 series got it through ARB - it looks stylish enough and does a great job.
I suppose it doesn't fit with those dame edna bullbars people put on them from toyota or TJM, you'd probably need to add some lacework if you have one of those bars.
Anyway looks OK with ARB bullbar and more importantly does the job.
AnswerID: 118129

Reply By: Member - Trent H (NSW) - Thursday, Jun 30, 2005 at 20:29

Thursday, Jun 30, 2005 at 20:29
Yeah another addition to go on as I picked up a soveregn toyo bar cheap, put it on & found out there is no inner moulded guard made to fit underfront of guard to bull bar, now the air intake is to open for my liking.Safari seems to be the best. I hate to take on a bow wave to fast with a airtec on top of the windscreen, my mate sprayed his snorkel the car colour.
AnswerID: 118306

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