Friday, Jul 15, 2005 at 16:32
I do get what you mean Jeff. I really do.
I posted a reply to Mad Dog in 24731 and it's the closest I can get to really explaining how I see the subject.
"By placing a sticker there it's just like they are claiming ownership of it. Of the land. Of a part of the whole world.
Sing posts and management posts are (attempting) to manage the land, even if they don't achieve their goal. Or have a political agenda.
We are owned by the world. We are smaller that it. We are at it's mercy and I find it disrespectful and ignorant that we would even think we are equal to it. That is reality.
By leaving rubbish behind is saying I don't accept reality that it will end up a burden on someone or ... I don't accept reality that it will end up being a burden on the bush to cope with the extra chore of now adapting to the rubbish.
By sticking a sticker on a post not placed there for the sticking of stickers is saying "I don't accept reality" I think I am bigger than the whole. "I am bigger than the world"
Which of course we are not.
It is arrogance. It is rude. It is little. It is certainly as you point out, not me."
Jeff, we are reliant on each other in this world. It is a fact.
We co-exist. People with each other & People and the bush/natural.
And even re-reading what I write to Mad Dog it sounds like I am waffling on. BUT when you cut to the guts of it, what I am saying is essentially what you are saying.
BUT with a slight twist.
You feel like you are being dictated to by people BUT... I am being dictated to by the natural world, NOT people, because the scrub/bush/natural won't cope with plastic. It's an indisputable fact.
I accept that man, by being a nuisance to nature (and mans individual role) in attempting to prolong the life of parks and wildlife etc, man is in fact assisting the decease not increase. I.e. man is part of the problem.
For me though Jeff. I used to get caught in the way people did the 'talking' TP me. If someone spoke to me (say badly) I'd fight them. Now I let them speak badly, then "I" think about the message and act in the way "I" think is appropriate. The way I think is appropriate is the "world must be first".
Hey btw I aint got all the answers but I reckon I'm coming from it from the right direction. Only time will tell.
Regards iMusty