Fuel Filters
Submitted: Sunday, Jul 17, 2005 at 22:06
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I just changed my fuel filters on my 4.2 diesel Mav after 10,000 klicks. I run a CAV and a standard filter, the Cav is first in line before going through the standard filter.
I opened up both old filters and found the CAV full of crap and the standard filter was dirty up to about 3/4 leaving the last 1/4 clean.
I have been doing the same every 10,000 and getting roughly the same result, I have read it on this site many times about the quality of diesel in Australia or lack there of.
I am not brand specific when it comes to filling up, just a bit price concious.
I have heard some blokes say they change the fuel filter (one only) around 20,000 K's, I reckon if they open there filters and have a look they might change them sooner!!!
Has anyone ever done the same and seen the results?
Reply By: cokeaddict - Monday, Jul 18, 2005 at 00:26
Monday, Jul 18, 2005 at 00:26
I have run the Racor finer fuel filter (R26T) in both my GQ's. My 1989 had one fitted when i bought the vehicle. When i sold the vehicle I removed the Racor and fitted it onto my 1994 GQ. I change the filter every 40,000 kms. Have done from day 1.
I can honestly say that on a few occasions I have opened the old filter up to see just whats inside it. The worst I ever came across was over 1/2 full of crap, but i know that on that occasion i got myself a bad tank of fuel a week before. All other used filters I have opened up were around 1/4 to just under 1/2 crapped out. I am seriously thinking of taking my next filter to 50,000 before replacing it.
I also carry a spare in car just incase something unexpected happens.
I also have the CAV setup which came with my present GQ when i purchased the vehicle. It was the first thing I removed once the GQ was
home for its first time in my driveway. What i dont like about the CAV is the fact that they tend to leak fuel around the "O" ring that sits on the bottom bowl. Although the Racor filter costs more (approx 45.00 each), I believe it filters better than the CAV and is a much stronger setup. Thats just my opinion ok.
Reply By: Member - John C (QLD) - Monday, Jul 18, 2005 at 08:32
Monday, Jul 18, 2005 at 08:32
There are the lucky ones who seldom have problems, and the two of us.
Every trip I seem to pick up a load of dirty diesel somewhere :-(.
Around Brisy, have settled on one place that doesn't seem too bad. Local
Brisbane refined fuel.
Was using Woolworths fuel, but had too many problems with dirt. Now they are using
Caltex, it may be better.
Sometimes I have had to change filters every 5000. Ended up flushing the tank.
Had sand, hair, rust and water.
I always try and buy fuel at major truck stops on the road, but sometimes you have no choice at small local towns.
My Pajero only has the one filter, but a reasonably good stock one. have since put in a second filter off a 60 series LC. Cheaper to buy and easier to change. Got to watch I don't cause too much resistance in the line for the fuel pump though.
Did hear you can get a sock to go in the filler, but it would take for ever to fill the tank (135l).
Reply By: warthog - Monday, Jul 18, 2005 at 23:00
Monday, Jul 18, 2005 at 23:00
You may have fungi or bacteria growing in your tank. A tank drain to get any water out and a biocide may keep your filters claener. There are many biocides available to kill/stop bugs growing in your fuel and most also claim to increase the lubricity of the fuel. There is some useful info at www.fueldoctor.com.au or just google "diesel biocide". Have been running morey's, fuel doctor and others depending on availability when I run out and have had no filter probs touch wood.
Follow Up By: Member - John C (QLD) - Thursday, Jul 21, 2005 at 21:42
Thursday, Jul 21, 2005 at 21:42
Thnaks for the comment.
I use a diesel additive every 2nd or 3rd tank. Moreys too.
Had a friend who bought a yatch in
Sydney and was sailing it up to
Brisbane. Had to call in at
tweed heads because of bad weather.
The diesel cur out half way over the bar.
Diesel bug. Tank hadn't been cleaned or treated for over 2 years.
He put me onto the problem as soon as I bought the diesel!
The time I got a really bad load, there was about 1/2 a cup of hair, sand and rust out of the tank.