What a great gps/navigator
Submitted: Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 16:53
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V8 Landcruiser man
Hi there every one.
I just returned from
Sydney today from
Newcastle as i had to do some 4x4 buisness at Alexandria and i thought that i should tell you that i was using the mio-136 with Destinator v3 as my only navigation through
Sydney and what can i say asept that i wonder how i ever did it without it.
What a great gps/Voice navigator unreal.
Well i thought that i would share this info with everyone out there tossing up which Gps/Navigator to buy i would highly recomend the mio-136 as a thought.
P.S. I dont work for Mitec i just belive it is a great product thats all.
Cheers Ken
Reply By: Member - Andrew(WA) - Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 17:12
Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 17:12
So tell us 'techno idiots' a bit about it.
How much? is it easy to use? etc etc
Follow Up By: V8 Landcruiser man - Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 19:48
Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 19:48
Hi there Andrew
In response to your question i would say that it is very easy to use (even the wife uses it for her work)and it cost me $700 from JB-Hi FI.
And with the voice guidence and speed camera alert and also it tells you when you are over the speed limit for the street/road that you are driving down.
It also has 3D mode looks ok but i dont use it.
I first brought the Mio-168 with co_pilot v5 live and took it back the next day as it was no good (you would drive past the steet before it told you to turn)then i got the mio-136 to try before they return my money and i liked it so much that i kept it plus a return of $145 differace in return.
I hope this helps and if any more questions please ask.
Cheers Ken
Reply By: Member - Brian (Gold Coast) - Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 18:19
Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 18:19
I looked at those before I bought my Magellan.... a quick question, how is it for entering waypoints and tracks etc??? A clubby showed me his Navman and he (nor I) could figure out how to enter waypoints in it.... I thought I read somewhere the Mio was easy to use.... is it??
Just wonderin'..
Follow Up By: V8 Landcruiser man - Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 19:58
Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 19:58
Hi there Brian
Well the mio-168 with the co-pilot v5 live is better for putting in way point but the way i found to do it with the mio-136 was to save the way point in favourites then save the second way point ect then it will the guide you to them.
I dont know if this is what you want to know but i hope it helps and if you have anymore questions please ask.
P.S The mio-136 is very easy to use.
Cheers Ken
Reply By: Member - Russell B (SA) - Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 18:35
Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 18:35
Currently the local Dick Smith is selling the Navman Pin with Smartst V3, it is marked on the back as Mio 186, for reduced price of $784. We used one on our trip through Tassie via
Melbourne. Really please we had one, especially in
The word on expansys.com its being replace later this year hence the price drop.
Reply By: Member - t0me (WA) - Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 19:37
Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 19:37
I'll second the recommendation for Destinator. I run that on my XDA IIi and its pretty excellent. Its got a couple of quirks, sometimes it doesn't think you can turn right at a set of lights, on some roundabouts it says turn right, turn right, turn right, turn left ;-)
Destinator will run on almost any PocketPC which the Mio is. So if its cheaper to go and get a PDA (like maybe a HP 4150) GPS reciever, (ebay is a good source for those) and Destinator software separately (from wherever...)
then that might be a better way to go.
Reply By: joc45 - Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 21:59
Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 21:59
These sound great for the big cities.
How do they rate in forest tracks, compared with Laptop/Palm & OziExplorer and 50k maps? Or do they each have their particular advantages?
Reply By: Member - AVA 191 (QLD) - Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 22:06
Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 22:06
I'm happy with my Mio 168 and CoPilot Live.
Have used it from
Darwin to
Brisbane to
Sydney to
Did you set the warning distance for your turns - it is switchable how far in advance you want the 'voice' to tell you b4 the turn. Admittedly, when set to alert you at 200m's, you are usually only about 100~150m away.
I do not rely on the voice solely. I believe the greatest asset of the Mio is that you pre-plan your trip b4 you go - on either the PC or the Mio . You use the "live" guidance as a
check as you proceed - thus you do not end up too fasr off course if you do make a wrong turn.
With Oze loaded, you can do your planning and put in way points and notes etc on your PC b4 you go - just transfer across to Mio when you are ready. You can have your route showing up live as you drive along. Then save your routes at the end of a trip. I'm no expert with Oze but know enough to get by for the odd bush trip.
You can have the gps working in either CoPilot OR Oziex, not both concurrently.
Follow Up By: Member - Rattles (Andrew R) - Thursday, Jul 21, 2005 at 14:37
Thursday, Jul 21, 2005 at 14:37
Goodaye AVA,
I would be interested to talk to you about your Mio 168.
I will send you a member message.
Follow Up By: Member - AVA 191 (QLD) - Thursday, Jul 21, 2005 at 17:44
Thursday, Jul 21, 2005 at 17:44
Check your messages Andrew.
I tell how handy it is to know when the next straight is coming up , for when you're stuck behind a Semi. You dont get hot and bothered when you know its 3kays of twists - you sit back and wait. Road maps on paper dont show you that much detail.
Reply By: Niko - Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 23:17
Wednesday, Jul 20, 2005 at 23:17
Destinator is sold here
Reply By: Utemad - Thursday, Jul 21, 2005 at 14:49
Thursday, Jul 21, 2005 at 14:49
I also used Destinator 3 to make my way around
Sydney recently. Saved us from a lot I fights I can imagine. However I didn't realise how many bloody tunnels there are in