BUNKER at Totem 1-Emu

Submitted: Friday, Jul 22, 2005 at 09:31
ThreadID: 24956 Views:2821 Replies:3 FollowUps:4
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After Mission Control (read SWMBO) suggested a week delay- we are off tomorrow morning on our Beadell Roads trip. Transport stage from here (near Sydney) to Cobar, Pt Augusta, Coober Pedy then West onto Anne Beadell/ Connie Sue/ Old Gunbarrel Nth section/ Ayers Rock/ Mulga Park section of Gunbarrel etc.
Does anyone know of the location of an underground bunker somewhere near the Totem 1 position?? Apparently it is still there but difficult to locate??
Also, if any VKS737 operators would like to say g'day on the way around- I'll be scanning VKS channels so a selcall would be welcome.
Have a good one all

R364/Selcall 3364

Also for Footloose VK2EZY and I'll be on the Travellers Net.
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Reply By: GOB & denny vic member - Friday, Jul 22, 2005 at 15:23

Friday, Jul 22, 2005 at 15:23
goodday sign man
just say gooday on any of the skeds if you are a member of vks most of the operators wiil have achat if they are not to busy
we always log in with them when travelling just for a bit of safety aspect

have a good trip

AnswerID: 121611

Reply By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Friday, Jul 22, 2005 at 16:46

Friday, Jul 22, 2005 at 16:46
Hi Signman,

Haven't seen or heard of the bunker, but been there twice in the past few years.

Much of the area was buried with the British alleged "cleanup" of the area a few years back. Don't know whether they buried the bunker???

Sounds like you have a good idea of whats there. Theres a little mudmap on the Westprint Anne Beadell Hwy map.

Enjoy the trip and the corrugations :-(( I run 18psi on that track to save the vehicle.

AnswerID: 121622

Follow Up By: Lone Wolf - Friday, Jul 22, 2005 at 17:20

Friday, Jul 22, 2005 at 17:20
When Doug cleaned up there, they scooped a big trench over the sandhill behind the officers mess, and simply filled it up with stuff, and covered it up.

The only infrastructure I saw was the concrete blocks to hold the aircraft down, and sticky paper poles. There are remnants of cables laying around, but other than that, it is all bare.

FollowupID: 376799

Follow Up By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Friday, Jul 22, 2005 at 19:48

Friday, Jul 22, 2005 at 19:48
Hi Wolfie,

We went thru there in October. For some unknown reason, it was the hottest day of the trip and we came out sunburnt :-))

But I find it a fascinating area. There were plough marks either side of the track to Totem, which I was guessing was a token effort at buring some radioactivity. And there appeared to be lots of stuff buried on the western side of Emu Claypan.

The stuff I found interesting was the Totem sites themselves, with the eerie lack of vegetation, the bent and destroyed tower footings, the black glass sand, and the schrapnel lying around. And that huge coax cable on the road to Totem 1, which I guess was used to detonate the bomb. We also found Sturts desert pea on the track in, and lots of rabbit burrows - but didn't see any rabbits with two heads :-)) We also went out to Observation Point, but like you say, only bits and pieces of cable and pipe there. I assume this was the spot where all those guys stood with their welding glasses waiting to turn around. We read the last chapter of "Blast the Bush" there which sort of made it come to life.

I guess you passed Camera C site at the Dingo Claypan turnoff. And there are a couple of areas of the old Emu township that were recently buried over when we were first there a few years ago. There was a track heading south just before Emu claypan that leads into an open space, with remains of the old railway line, and even trucks that had been buried. And just west of the Emu claypan track, theres the terraced areas where I assume the tent city had been.

It would be great to have had a more definitive guide as to what was originally there. Might do some more reading before the next trip.

FollowupID: 376819

Follow Up By: signman - Monday, Aug 08, 2005 at 09:33

Monday, Aug 08, 2005 at 09:33
G'day Phil
Just back from the Beadell roads including Emu etc. I found the 'bunker'. Its on the way out from Totem 1- on the right side of the track only about 75 metres from ground zero. Its obviously hollow and quite deep- it appears animal have been nesting in it.
Had a great trip- and as an avid reader of Lens exploits, it brings his stories to life. The area around the bomb sites is certainly eerie.
Also- relating the area of the Emu camp from descriptions and pics in the books was easy to visualise how it was.
FollowupID: 379173

Follow Up By: Member - Luxoluk - Friday, Aug 12, 2005 at 21:24

Friday, Aug 12, 2005 at 21:24
Thanks for the post signman on the bunker. I'm about a month off going myself. Len's books are sure a good read to gather that extra insight and humor which seemed to accompany all his travels....gee he was a game fella!! Cheers
FollowupID: 379811

Reply By: Willem - Friday, Jul 22, 2005 at 19:11

Friday, Jul 22, 2005 at 19:11
I have a mate who yabbers on from time to time about a Bunker west of the Canning Stock Route.

During WW2 the army did send a convoy of vehicles out on the the Canning on some pretext. They were bogged for weeks on Lake Nabberu

AnswerID: 121641

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