Sunday, Dec 08, 2002 at 01:00
I don't know where you pulled 90% from Truckster. There is no more fuel than in other summers and just prior to last winter there was a heap of back burning in the Stirling and surrounding area.
That makes sense. If theres been back burning then there would be less fuel than previously wouldnt it?
I spent 12 yrs as rural firey, I sorta know when things are good and when bad. 90% chance every yr that there will be a fire up there... 10% chance of no fires, is the miracle of pi$$ing down rain for around 2-3 weeks straight.
Our club had a trip up there few weeks ago(
well the trip report was on Wed night) they crossed 14 streams, and didnt wet the hubs once... Thats how little moisture there is up there at the moment.
Last time I was up
Woods Point thru to
Mansfield we were discussing the fuel levels with others, and the local fire capt around Heyfield joined our club last week, and was mentioning its rather heavy fuel ratio on the ground at the moment up there..
Remember... Back burning is only a precaution, it doesnt save everything.. It usually burns the fuel off the ground, but leaves the crowns alone...