New or Secondhand Prado
Submitted: Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
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Phil P
Just getting into 4wd & camping and am planning to do a number of medium
tag along tours & a few trips around Australia (VIC to Alice, VIC to QLD etc) with my wife & 2 kids over the next few years.
I also need to use the car for work a few times a week and park in a city
My budget is around $50K, so I figured I would wait for the Prado that is supposedly being released in the next couple of months.
A friend is trading in his 98 Prado Grande next month and has offered me his car for whatever the dealer gives him (Indications at this stage look like it will be around $30K). His Prado has never been offroad (Toorak Tractor) and only has 40K on the clock.
Obvioulsy saving $20K and getting a Grande appeals to me.
Any comments - Wait for the new shape and buy a brand new car (Basic Features) or Buy the 2nd hand car and get top of the range features ?
The 2nd hand Grande has no 4wd Extras like Bullbar,winch,dual Batt. It's a real Toorak tractor ! My guess is that for the new Prado $50K won't get me many 4wd extra's either.
Phil P
Reply By: Lyds - Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Since you're thinking 2nd hand, you should look into something that has already been optioned up; even if just for a price comparison against optioning up the Grande.
Make sure you
check the height restrictions on your favourite carparks!
Follow Up By: Member - Bob - Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Although the optioned-up one is more likely to have been hammered. Why not look at all available vehicles. Jackeroo, Pajero, Disco etc. Just because a friend has a Prado doesn't mean it will be the car best suited to you.
Reply By: Andrew - Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
I would go for 2nd hand Grande ( No extras - even better. More fun if you do it yourself + you get warrenty with every piece of equipment ). Sounds like Prado has never been off road and knowing service history is another bonus.
Is it diesel or petrol ?
Follow Up By: Phil P - Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Petrol - Which is what I prefer
Follow Up By: Oziexplorer - Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
I would go for the second hand Grande every day and put a bull bar on yourself and anything else you want. You already know the service history and they are a good model without problems.
You really have to look if you need a bull bar mounted winch, as when you need them they are in the wrong place or under water or something like that. I much prefer a Tirfor type hand winch as you can pull from anywhere onto the vehicle. Over these holidays I had to let a vehicle use my Tirfor to pull themselves out backwards because their winch was useless mounted on the bullbar under water. This is often the case.
Follow Up By: Bob Y. - Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Phil, With a saving of $20K to spend on accessories for the Grande, you'd still have some left over to pay for the first trip. A city vehicle like that with that mileage would be almost like new. And youknow the owner!!!
Would have to agree with Ozi on both statements above. Our company went through the winch phase about 12 years ago, I've been bogged less times since we stored the
winches in the shed. Also you have that weight penalty hanging off the front, that you may only use once every 3 months, or maybe less. Oh what a fee....etc. Catch you all later...
Reply By: goodsy - Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Just bought a second hand sr5 turbo diesel hilux duel cab paid $15000 less than new (60000Km's). Never been off road checked under neath not one scratch. At this price it is hard to justify buying new. Could have bought new but not sr5. Same with your Prado. I would buy the 98 Prado Grande and spend money saved on accessories. $30000 is a very good price for this car with 100000Km's more on the clock. Go the Grande.
Reply By: Phil G - Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Friday, Jan 03, 2003 at 01:00
Yeah, Go the Grande. They are a great 4wd and very capable off road. Doesn't cost much to add options because the Prados already have 159 litres fuel and the spare mounted on the tailgate. Add a bullbar and if you are thinking off offroading, then upgrade the
suspension as the '98 springs and shocks are a bit soft. Fridge and 2nd battery and you're away! $30,000 is a bargain.
The gossop on the new Prado is that its a 4 litre V6 (183Kw - more than a V8 Landcruiser!), 180 litre fuel capacity, has less clearance and is a bit heavier and slightly wider. Same diesel motor as the current model. I'm sticking to my current vehicle.
Phil G
Prado TD
Reply By: Member - Nigel - Saturday, Jan 04, 2003 at 01:00
Saturday, Jan 04, 2003 at 01:00
I'm not a big Prado fan (too small :), but it's what suits you that's important.
But I would recommend buying the secondhand one and spending some of your savings on essentials like bullbar,
driving lights, cargo barrier, fridge, dual battery,
UHF Radio, recovery gear (how much depends on your style of 4WDing, but a minimum is snatch straps and rated bow shackles). Don't forget the fire extinguisher and
first aid kit either.
On a petrol model it may also be worth considering extractors and bigger exhaust. They did wonders for my petrol Patrol.
Reply By: bruce.h - Saturday, Jan 04, 2003 at 01:00
Saturday, Jan 04, 2003 at 01:00
Gday Phil
go for the second hand for all the above reasons ,why take a 30 to 40 %
loss on a new vehicle in the first 12 months let somebody else take the loss & pocket the savings. $20k buys alot of extras & holidays.
before you sart buying do 4wd course so you have a better idea what you realy need in the way of extras because accessories stores can see a newby coming a mile off & will sell you anything they can if you need it or not,one last thing if prado has never been used in 4wd drive have it
well checked no use can some times cuase as meny problems as over use,especialy in part time 4wd's
Regards Bruce
Reply By: Truckster - Saturday, Jan 04, 2003 at 01:00
Saturday, Jan 04, 2003 at 01:00
Gee Prados dont hold value do they, $20k in 4 yrs?
Follow Up By: Bob Y. - Saturday, Jan 04, 2003 at 01:00
Saturday, Jan 04, 2003 at 01:00
Red book says:
98 Prado Grande average kms 105,000 - 125,000
Trade: $31,300 - 35,300
National average price: $34,600 - 39,700
price when new: $60,803
make that $30K, truckster!!!
Reckon he's got a deal with that mileage.
Follow Up By: Sambo - Sunday, Jan 05, 2003 at 01:00
Sunday, Jan 05, 2003 at 01:00
Now at the risk of sounding like a smart a**e and knowing you are a nissan man I decided to
check out the red book values on 98 GU Patrols, hmmm seems they have lost 16-31 grand in value over the same time frame as a Prado depending on private or dealer sale. That would seem to indicate a very obvious fact that all new cars lose considerable value in the first 5 years of ownership. But as most people are aware you lose less value as a vehicle gets older than you do in the early years. For the record I am a Prado owner and extremely biased and proud of my choice of vehicle no less than you probably are of your Patrol. Happy 4wding and dont take it personal just revving you up.
Follow Up By: Truckster - Sunday, Jan 05, 2003 at 01:00
Sunday, Jan 05, 2003 at 01:00
as ya say you drive out the showroom, ya lose $5000 at least.
But I'll take $16k loss over $20-30k loss anyday, wouldnt you?
Which has more accessories available new and second hand?
Reply By: Tim - Sunday, Jan 05, 2003 at 01:00
Sunday, Jan 05, 2003 at 01:00
Phil - go out and buy a new car!!! its highly likely that you are financing this car and you'll get a better % rate on the new car, you know exactly where its been, and the new car smell!!!!!!!! - you may have to accept a lesser model with your budget but you'll be able to buy a Prado, Pajero or Patrol for this money,
shop around and
shop hard, even buy the runout model as im sure that if toyota has any stock they'll be discounting them big time - toyota is the biggest discounter of new cars, thats why they drop value so quickly - no one buys at RRP