Oil smell from interior fan/aircon

Submitted: Monday, Jan 13, 2003 at 21:20
ThreadID: 2943 Views:1872 Replies:4 FollowUps:3
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I am hoping that some one has had a similar problem, I have a 1992 GQ Patrol (petrol ST) and just recently when I have the aircon switced on there is a very strong smell like gearbox oil or gas. Any help would be appreciated. The aircon is still working.


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Reply By: Member - Bob - Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 at 08:19

Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 at 08:19
Mark, you are too close to the Toyota in front. Back off a bit ;-)
AnswerID: 11252

Follow Up By: Member - Mal - Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 at 10:41

Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 at 10:41
the only reason he would be that close to a Toyota is because the Toyota is towing him!!! te he he he he. Mal T.
FollowupID: 6205

Reply By: Member - Mike - Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 at 13:40

Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 at 13:40
Getting back to the point!!
199o GQ RFB30 with something similar. Only at switch on - a smell which is not unpleasant - sort of confirms aircon switched on!
In this case I assume it to be moisture related.
Do you get the smell if vent is selected to "internal"? Am wondering if your aircon is sucking from engine bay?
AnswerID: 11275

Follow Up By: Hoffy - Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 at 13:47

Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 at 13:47
Some air conditioners put a foul smell in the car for the first few minutes after start up if the vehicle has been stopped with the air running. Try turning the air off about 2k's before you stop.

FollowupID: 6213

Follow Up By: Mark - Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 at 19:32

Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 at 19:32
It would appear to be very smelly when you have been stopped at a set of lights for example and then on take off it is very strong, could it be the aircon gas leaking some where.

FollowupID: 6229

Reply By: Member - Tony - Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 at 23:28

Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 at 23:28

Had a similar problem with my 4Runner, but not a strong oil smell, was actually faint, but the A/C was not cooling. had it regassed 12mths before, so I got it checked again.

Problem was a faulty 'TX' valve (?), had oil seals filter etc replaced as well, and retro fit with R134A gas.

Cools like a ripper now. In fact works so well I can put a can of Coke in the cupholder (in front of outlet) and it keeps it cold :-)

Cheers, Tony
AnswerID: 11317

Reply By: David - Tuesday, Feb 11, 2003 at 12:41

Tuesday, Feb 11, 2003 at 12:41
GQ Patrol is very easy to work on - just dissasemble the air box, fan etc above the front passengers feet - there are very few vehicles easier to work on.
You'll often be amazed by the crap in the airbox etc and on the aircon evaporator.
I also had an oil (&gas) leak here around the aircon - on one of the O rings caused by a bit of corrosion where the O ring seats. (forget whether it was in line HP or line out LP). If you have a gas leak you'll usually find oil as well, as oil circulates all the time with the gas.
A specialist quoted me some hundreds of dollars to fix it- I just carefully sanded the corroded bit with 800 sandpaper and fitted a new O ring - only cost was the O ring plus a regas. (That was about 3 or 4 years ago- still going strong )
AnswerID: 12880

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