battery chargers

Submitted: Wednesday, Jan 15, 2003 at 19:03
ThreadID: 2976 Views:1338 Replies:2 FollowUps:1
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Could anyone give me some info on mains type battery chargers.
What would be the minimum amps. Are there any particular brands that people have found to be good or bad. Are there any features on a charger to look for.
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Reply By: Member - Nigel - Wednesday, Jan 15, 2003 at 20:32

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2003 at 20:32
The Boat and Caravan Accessories Website has a huge amount of info on batteries and chargers. I bought a LEAB Champ 8 amp charger from them - very good investment. It's waterproof and will work from 170-260 volts input.

A 3 stage charger is always a better option than a standard transformer type charger, but you pay for it. As I own 3 deep cycles, it's cheaper for me to spend a few hundred on a good charger than on replacing batteries due to a cheap charger.
AnswerID: 11344

Follow Up By: Dazza - Saturday, Jan 18, 2003 at 09:52

Saturday, Jan 18, 2003 at 09:52
Thanks Nigel I will have a look
FollowupID: 6410

Reply By: OziExplorer - Wednesday, Jan 15, 2003 at 21:36

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2003 at 21:36
Dazza what do you want to use the battery charger for?

Do you want to regularly use it, or occassional use.

I have a Arlec 12 that I have not used for must be 10 years. You just don't need battery chargers like you used to.
AnswerID: 11350

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