Thursday, Jan 19, 2006 at 12:47
SJP, I still wouldn't rule out a poverty pack 100. The problems that you read about are spread across thousands of these things, so I don't think that they are any worse than any other vehicle out there. Having said that, I'd be a lot more worried with any of the ZD30 Nissans, as they seem, at least anecdotally, to be more representative of engine failures than just about anything else. All of these reported issues should be noted, but should also be put into perspective in relation to how many affected in relation to how many out there (as
well as other variables, such as driver, conditions, usage etc....) In computing terms, Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) ratings are useful in determining potential hardware failures. Wouldn't MTBF figures for vehicles be interesting!
I've had no problems with diffs, gearboxes etc, and that doesn't mean I won't, but simply that it hasn't happened to
mine. Add that to the thousands of others with no problems and compare it to the numbers of people who have had problems. Statistics is a very interesting subject, and it certainly comes into play when the discussions turn to inherant problems amongst vehicle models.