100 series clutch shudder and surging at 1500rpm
Submitted: Sunday, Jan 22, 2006 at 19:48
This Thread has been Archived
G'day all. Just hoping someone has an answer or advice for me here. My 100 series gxl TD Landcruiser has developed an awful clutch shudder again, after it's 3rd new clutch! We're sure getting sick of the cost, and after reading in another
forum that "all 100 series do this".....we wonder is it true? At 1st, the repair
places told us "you must have a flat spot in the clutch" and they did everything to rectify it including machining the flywheel, replacing the clutch plate, pressure plate and spigot bearing. All was o.k. for a while and then she started again. It has got a lot worse recently and it's not just one driver that it happens to, it's both of us, and we are both careful and look after our vehicle, so it's not through poor driving.
PLUS......the car has a surge problem, almost like a learner driver is at the wheel, at EXACTLY 1500 rpm. It does this in 3rd or 4th gear and is a PIA to drive in traffic like this. We were told it was the throttle position sensor needing adjusting and that this is a common problem in these model cars as
well, but when we took ours in to be fixed, we were told this model (year 2000) doesn't have one! Any clues?
Regards, Jan O
Reply By: Member - Nick (TAS) - Sunday, Jan 22, 2006 at 21:36
Sunday, Jan 22, 2006 at 21:36
As far as I know and all the 100 series Ive driven,they all have a clutch shudder when cold ,once warm it goes away.
Follow Up By: jaksun - Sunday, Jan 22, 2006 at 22:26
Sunday, Jan 22, 2006 at 22:26
Ive done 185 k in my 100 series and i have never had clutch shudder when the clutch is hot or cold
Reply By: Member - Trevor R (QLD) - Monday, Jan 23, 2006 at 07:57
Monday, Jan 23, 2006 at 07:57
The 1hz 100 series I had enjoyed that clutch shudder for the entire 18mths I owned it for. I done 130000km in that time and didn't even bother to try and fix it as I heard so many other owners had spent plenty of dollars in vien without success. As for the flat spot.....
mine was the 1hzzzzzzzz so I reckon the entire rev range was flat hahhaha.
I am not mechanically minded enough to have a stab at the surgeing so I'll leave that to the mechanics of this
Enjoy what is otherwise a beautiful car.
Regards Trevor.
Reply By: obone - Monday, Jan 23, 2006 at 12:02
Monday, Jan 23, 2006 at 12:02
Have a look at post 29997 if your shudder problems started whilst vehicle was under warranty
Reply By: TimmyG2 - Monday, Jan 23, 2006 at 12:29
Monday, Jan 23, 2006 at 12:29
I have a TD Prado 2000 model and had the same problem when the car had done just 25k kms. The workshop manager told me to just live with it as it is a common toyota problem and doesn't hurt the vehicle. I didn't accept this on a vehicle that I had paid $50k for 12 mths ago. In the next 15k kms I had Toyota replace the clutch 3 times (all under warranty) to rectify the problem. The final repair they replaced everthing, even the pedal as they were sick of seeing me. I have now done over 180k kms in the vehicle and the clutch is still fine. Other than the workshop manager I found Toyota to be very good with their warranty, and didn't once try and blame it on the way I drive.
Reply By: richopesto - Monday, Jan 23, 2006 at 17:43
Monday, Jan 23, 2006 at 17:43
If it adds any relevance, my 89 hilux does the same. Winter mornings are worst.
Still get fine clutch wear 150,000km+. Just annoying. Love Toyota and live with it, I think is the summary.