Important info about Optus Aurora service, Optus C1
Dealer Advice re Aurora Platform Changes
Optus advises that Aurora system changes will be made in the near future. These system changes are being taken to disable reception of broadcast
services on receivers that have not been correctly activated using an Optus supplied smartcard.
These changes may cause loss of
services to viewers who have non Optus supported decoders or smartcards. Optus will be displaying information on the Aurora Tune Channel to assist viewers who may have unwittingly purchased non Optus supported equipment.
During the planned changes there will be no change to the channel numbers of the Aurora
services and no retuning of decoders will be necessary.
Valid smartcard types will be displayed on the Aurora Tune Channel to enable viewers to determine if they require a new smartcard. Smartcards will be available through the normal distributors of Aurora smartcards.
These distributors & their phone numbers are:
Nationwide Antenna Systems 07 3252 2947
Sciteq Pty Ltd 08 9409 6677
Hills National Antennas 02 9717 5271
Laceys TV 03 9783 2388
Strong Technologies 03 8795 7990
VideoSat 02 9482 3100
Comsyst 02 9774 7476
Jonsa Archsat 02 9648 1132
Aardvark Electronics 07 4955 5879
Phoenix Technologies 03 9553 3399
Optus is arranging for supplies of additional smartcards to be made available if required. Another area of impact is expected to be on Common Interface STBs that currently do not use valid CI-CAMs and smartcards. These will be required and Optus has communicated with a CI-CAM manufacturer that deals with the Australian market regarding availability and delivery times. CICAM modules may be ordered if required by dealers from SCM Microsystems (Asia) Pty Ltd (email: allowing approximately 3 weeks for delivery
Optus is also arranging for an Information Line to be set up in time to address any viewer questions and a website location for viewer information.
The Information Line phone number will be advised closer to the time it will be required
The website address is
Viewers will be directed to contact their equipment suppliers if they need any assistance related to loss of service due to system changes.
What does all this mean……………….if you haven’t got an Optus Smartcard installed in your (Satellite) Receiver then it looks like you will no longer be able to receive their TV signals over satellite. There has been rumors of this ‘coming’ for some time. Looks like it has arrived. On the other hand, if you already have a Pay TV Receiver and card then you are still in business.
‘slow mower’