info on Danjera Dam and Bass fishing
Submitted: Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 20:28
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Hi guys,
Was wondering if i could ask those who have been there for some info on trying to catch a bass out of the
dam. Never done bass fishing before but was thinking it would be fun early and late evening inbetween 4wding.
Any tips on what to use to try and catch one of these buggers? Also some nice tracks around the area if you would. Im introducing a new 4wd'er with his new hilux, so Im sure he will not want it scratched ...YET !!!!!
Thanks in advanced guys.
Reply By: Charlie - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 20:43
Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 20:43
Certainly plenty of bass there although they grow to a more modest size that most dams.A good lure for evening fishing is a buggar chug,less that ten bucks at Kmart and a proven bass catcher everywhere. Bait such as shrimps or black crickets is also deadly on bass. Canoes or small boats with an electric motor are also allowed if you can carry it to the water.Flatrock near by also has stocking of bass.
Regards Charlie
Reply By: Member - uncle - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 21:55
Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 21:55
Hi ange, we use a lure called a jitterbug,you will probably have to get these from your local tackle store though.They are about $16 ea approx.They are a surface lure and are the most exciting way to catch bass.
If you have a canoe,paddle along the shoreline early morn ,or just on sunset,and throw in to and around the logs and snags on the bank,retrieve slowly and you will see the bass,come up from underneath the surface and smash your lure to stunn it.To them,it looks like a cicada,sometimes they will hit it with their tail as
well.Best fun you can have in an afternoon.If you are heading to nowra call in to Mc Callums sports store and pick up some lures,Gav ,
john and the team will gladly help on any fishing info on the
dam as
well.Cheers and good luck.
Follow Up By: Vince NSW - Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 08:55
Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 08:55
So Danjeria
Dam is near Nowra. Had a quick look at the map but could not find it. So where do I look as I may be allowed to have at least i weekend off from work this year
Reply By: Member - uncle - Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 13:03
Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 13:03
When ya get to Nowra Vince,head west along Albatross rd,TR just after Nowra Subaru,and follow the signs to Burrier/Danjera
Dam.The road to the
dam will turn off to the left just before burrier.Good luck.If you do get hooked on bass fishing ,get someone to drop you off with a canoe at
Tallowa dam, and get picked up at Burrier pumping station 3 days later,great scenery and fishing.
Reply By: Member - laura B (NSW) - Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 20:10
Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 20:10
bass fishing...go to burrier pump a local there and thats where my hubby goes.....turn off onto yalwal rd....head towards Burrier....its about 19 kn to Grady's riverside retreat which is great for camping....another 2km you'l have gone past Boral Quarry and the pass another house on old one,with a huge shed on the left...just past this a few hundred meters is another road off to the right...take this and when you see a
gate on the right with a private property
sign on it,go through this...its unlocked and this will take you to the pump station....this is very close to HEAPS of 4wding....about a km up further on the right is Old Burrier fire trail which is great fun....when you get to the end chuck a right and this will take you to yalwal
dam.....bugger me off my rig and if you need a guided tour...we'll show ya everything!!!!!i mean hub loves the bass fishing out there!!!the 4wding is even better...all sorts of levels!!!!
Laura B
Reply By: cokeaddict - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 16:52
Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 16:52
Ok ...Thankyou all for the great info. Itis much apreciated indeed. I am looking forward to the trip mainly because im introducing some new people to 4wding and at the same time i figured why not try some bass fishing rather than just climb rocks all weekend. Make it interesting for the them its not all about driving rough tracks.
So thansk again guys...and ladies :-)